Source code for feldera.pipeline

import time
import pandas

from typing import List, Dict, Callable, Optional
from queue import Queue

from import FelderaAPIError
from feldera.enums import PipelineStatus
from import Pipeline as InnerPipeline
from import FelderaClient
from feldera._callback_runner import _CallbackRunnerInstruction, CallbackRunner
from feldera.output_handler import OutputHandler
from feldera._helpers import ensure_dataframe_has_columns, chunk_dataframe

[docs] class Pipeline: def __init__(self, name: str, client: FelderaClient): = name self.client: FelderaClient = client self._inner: InnerPipeline | None = None self.views_tx: List[Dict[str, Queue]] = [] def __setup_output_listeners(self): """ Internal function used to set up the output listeners. :meta private: """ for view_queue in self.views_tx: for view_name, queue in view_queue.items(): # sends a message to the callback runner to start listening queue.put(_CallbackRunnerInstruction.PipelineStarted) # block until the callback runner is ready queue.join()
[docs] def status(self) -> PipelineStatus: """ Return the current status of the pipeline. """ try: inner = self.client.get_pipeline( self._inner = inner return PipelineStatus.from_str(inner.deployment_status) except FelderaAPIError as err: if err.status_code == 404: return PipelineStatus.NOT_FOUND else: raise err
[docs] def input_pandas(self, table_name: str, df: pandas.DataFrame, force: bool = False): """ Push all rows in a pandas DataFrame to the pipeline. :param table_name: The name of the table to insert data into. :param df: The pandas DataFrame to be pushed to the pipeline. :param force: `True` to push data even if the pipeline is paused. `False` by default. """ status = self.status() if status not in [ PipelineStatus.RUNNING, PipelineStatus.PAUSED, ]: raise RuntimeError("Pipeline must be running or paused to push data") if not force and status == PipelineStatus.PAUSED: raise RuntimeError("Pipeline is paused, set force=True to push data") ensure_dataframe_has_columns(df) pipeline = self.client.get_pipeline( if table_name.lower() != "now" and table_name.lower() not in [ for tbl in pipeline.tables]: raise ValueError(f"Cannot push to table '{table_name}' as it is not registered yet") else: # consider validating the schema here for datum in chunk_dataframe(df): self.client.push_to_pipeline(, table_name, "json", datum.to_json(orient='records', date_format='epoch'), json_flavor='pandas', array=True, serialize=False, force=force, ) return
[docs] def input_json(self, table_name: str, data: Dict | list, update_format: str = "raw", force: bool = False): """ Push this JSON data to the specified table of the pipeline. :param table_name: The name of the table to push data into. :param data: The JSON encoded data to be pushed to the pipeline. The data should be in the form: `{'col1': 'val1', 'col2': 'val2'}` or `[{'col1': 'val1', 'col2': 'val2'}, {'col1': 'val1', 'col2': 'val2'}]` :param update_format: The update format of the JSON data to be pushed to the pipeline. Must be one of: "raw", "insert_delete". <> :param force: `True` to push data even if the pipeline is paused. `False` by default. """ if update_format not in ["raw", "insert_delete"]: ValueError("update_format must be one of raw or insert_delete") array = True if isinstance(data, list) else False self.client.push_to_pipeline(, table_name, "json", data, update_format=update_format, array=array, force=force )
[docs] def listen(self, view_name: str) -> OutputHandler: """ Listen to the output of the provided view so that it is available in the notebook / python code. When the pipeline is shutdown, these listeners are dropped. :param view_name: The name of the view to listen to. """ queue: Optional[Queue] = None if self.status() not in [PipelineStatus.PAUSED, PipelineStatus.RUNNING]: queue = Queue(maxsize=1) self.views_tx.append({view_name: queue}) handler = OutputHandler(self.client,, view_name, queue) handler.start() return handler
[docs] def foreach_chunk(self, view_name: str, callback: Callable[[pandas.DataFrame, int], None]): """ Run the given callback on each chunk of the output of the specified view. :param view_name: The name of the view. :param callback: The callback to run on each chunk. The callback should take two arguments: - **chunk** -> The chunk as a pandas DataFrame - **seq_no** -> The sequence number. The sequence number is a monotonically increasing integer that starts from 0. Note that the sequence number is unique for each chunk, but not necessarily contiguous. Please note that the callback is run in a separate thread, so it should be thread-safe. Please note that the callback should not block for a long time, as by default, backpressure is enabled and will block the pipeline. .. note:: - The callback must be thread-safe as it will be run in a separate thread. """ queue: Optional[Queue] = None if self.status() not in [PipelineStatus.RUNNING, PipelineStatus.PAUSED]: queue = Queue(maxsize=1) self.views_tx.append({view_name: queue}) handler = CallbackRunner(self.client,, view_name, callback, queue) handler.start()
[docs] def wait_for_completion(self, shutdown: bool = False): """ Block until the pipeline has completed processing all input records. This method blocks until (1) all input connectors attached to the pipeline have finished reading their input data sources and issued end-of-input notifications to the pipeline, and (2) all inputs received from these connectors have been fully processed and corresponding outputs have been sent out through the output connectors. This method will block indefinitely if at least one of the input connectors attached to the pipeline is a streaming connector, such as Kafka, that does not issue the end-of-input notification. :param shutdown: If True, the pipeline will be shutdown after completion. False by default. :raises RuntimeError: If the pipeline returns unknown metrics. """ if self.status() not in [ PipelineStatus.RUNNING, PipelineStatus.INITIALIZING, PipelineStatus.PROVISIONING, ]: raise RuntimeError("Pipeline must be running to wait for completion") while True: metrics: dict = self.client.get_pipeline_stats("global_metrics") pipeline_complete: bool = metrics.get("pipeline_complete") if pipeline_complete is None: raise RuntimeError("received unknown metrics from the pipeline, pipeline_complete is None") if pipeline_complete: break time.sleep(1) if shutdown: self.shutdown()
[docs] def start(self): """ .. _start: Starts this pipeline. :raises RuntimeError: If the pipeline returns unknown metrics. """ status = self.status() if status != PipelineStatus.SHUTDOWN: raise RuntimeError(f"pipeline {} in state: {str(} cannot be started") self.pause() self.__setup_output_listeners() self.resume()
[docs] def restart(self): """ Restarts the pipeline. """ self.shutdown() self.start()
[docs] def wait_for_idle( self, idle_interval_s: float = 5.0, timeout_s: float = 600.0, poll_interval_s: float = 0.2 ): """ Wait for the pipeline to become idle and then returns. Idle is defined as a sufficiently long interval in which the number of input and processed records reported by the pipeline do not change, and they equal each other (thus, all input records present at the pipeline have been processed). :param idle_interval_s: Idle interval duration (default is 5.0 seconds). :param timeout_s: Timeout waiting for idle (default is 600.0 seconds). :param poll_interval_s: Polling interval, should be set substantially smaller than the idle interval (default is 0.2 seconds). :raises ValueError: If idle interval is larger than timeout, poll interval is larger than timeout, or poll interval is larger than idle interval. :raises RuntimeError: If the metrics are missing or the timeout was reached. """ if idle_interval_s > timeout_s: raise ValueError(f"idle interval ({idle_interval_s}s) cannot be larger than timeout ({timeout_s}s)") if poll_interval_s > timeout_s: raise ValueError(f"poll interval ({poll_interval_s}s) cannot be larger than timeout ({timeout_s}s)") if poll_interval_s > idle_interval_s: raise ValueError(f"poll interval ({poll_interval_s}s) cannot be larger " f"than idle interval ({idle_interval_s}s)") start_time_s = time.monotonic() idle_started_s = None prev = (0, 0) while True: now_s = time.monotonic() # Metrics retrieval metrics: dict = self.client.get_pipeline_stats("global_metrics") total_input_records: int | None = metrics.get("total_input_records") total_processed_records: int | None = metrics.get("total_processed_records") if total_input_records is None: raise RuntimeError("total_input_records is missing from the pipeline metrics") if total_processed_records is None: raise RuntimeError("total_processed_records is missing from the pipeline metrics") # Idle check unchanged = prev[0] == total_input_records and prev[1] == total_processed_records equal = total_input_records == total_processed_records prev = (total_input_records, total_processed_records) if unchanged and equal: if idle_started_s is None: idle_started_s = now_s else: idle_started_s = None if idle_started_s is not None and now_s - idle_started_s >= idle_interval_s: return # Timeout if now_s - start_time_s >= timeout_s: raise RuntimeError(f"waiting for idle reached timeout ({timeout_s}s)") time.sleep(poll_interval_s)
[docs] def pause(self): """ Pause the pipeline. """ self.client.pause_pipeline(
[docs] def shutdown(self): """ Shut down the pipeline. """ if len(self.views_tx) > 0: for _, queue in self.views_tx.pop().items(): # sends a message to the callback runner to stop listening queue.put(_CallbackRunnerInstruction.RanToCompletion) # block until the callback runner has been stopped queue.join() self.client.shutdown_pipeline(
[docs] def resume(self): """ Resumes the pipeline. """ self.client.start_pipeline(
[docs] def delete(self): """ Deletes the pipeline. """ self.client.delete_pipeline(
[docs] @staticmethod def get(name: str, client: FelderaClient) -> 'Pipeline': """ Get the pipeline if it exists. :param name: The name of the pipeline. :param client: The FelderaClient instance. """ try: inner = client.get_pipeline(name) pipeline = Pipeline(, client) pipeline.__inner = inner return pipeline except FelderaAPIError as err: if err.status_code == 404: raise RuntimeError(f"Pipeline with name {name} not found")