feldera.rest package


feldera.rest.config module

class feldera.rest.config.Config(url: str, api_key: str | None = None, version: str | None = None, timeout: float | None = None)[source]

Bases: object

FelderaClient’s credentials and configuration parameters

feldera.rest.errors module

exception feldera.rest.errors.FelderaAPIError(error: str, request: Response)[source]

Bases: FelderaError

Error sent by Feldera API

exception feldera.rest.errors.FelderaCommunicationError(message: str)[source]

Bases: FelderaError

Error when connection to Feldera

exception feldera.rest.errors.FelderaError(message: str)[source]

Bases: Exception

Generic class for Feldera error handling

exception feldera.rest.errors.FelderaTimeoutError(message: str)[source]

Bases: FelderaError

Error when Feldera operation takes longer than expected

feldera.rest.feldera_client module

class feldera.rest.feldera_client.FelderaClient(url: str, api_key: str | None = None, timeout: int | None = None)[source]

Bases: object

A client for the Feldera HTTP API

A client instance is needed for every Feldera API method to know the location of Feldera and its permissions.

create_or_update_pipeline(pipeline: Pipeline) Pipeline[source]

Create a pipeline if it doesn’t exist or update a pipeline and wait for it to compile

create_pipeline(pipeline: Pipeline) Pipeline[source]

Create a pipeline if it doesn’t exist and wait for it to compile


The name of the pipeline

delete_pipeline(name: str)[source]

Deletes a pipeline by name


name – The name of the pipeline

get_pipeline(pipeline_name) Pipeline[source]

Get a pipeline by name


pipeline_name – The name of the pipeline

get_pipeline_stats(name: str) dict[source]

Get the pipeline metrics and performance counters


name – The name of the pipeline

get_runtime_config(pipeline_name) dict[source]

Get the runtime config of a pipeline by name


pipeline_name – The name of the pipeline

listen_to_pipeline(pipeline_name: str, table_name: str, format: str, backpressure: bool = True, array: bool = False, timeout: float | None = None)[source]

Listen for updates to views for pipeline, yields the chunks of data

  • pipeline_name – The name of the pipeline

  • table_name – The name of the table to listen to

  • format – The format of the data, either “json” or “csv”

  • backpressure – When the flag is True (the default), this method waits for the consumer to receive each chunk and blocks the pipeline if the consumer cannot keep up. When this flag is False, the pipeline drops data chunks if the consumer is not keeping up with its output. This prevents a slow consumer from slowing down the entire pipeline.

  • array – Set True to group updates in this stream into JSON arrays, used in conjunction with the “json” format, the default value is False

  • timeout – The amount of time in seconds to listen to the stream for

patch_pipeline(name: str, sql: str)[source]

Incrementally update the pipeline SQL

  • name – The name of the pipeline

  • sql – The SQL snippet. Replaces the existing SQL code with this one.

pause_pipeline(pipeline_name: str)[source]

Stop a pipeline


pipeline_name – The name of the pipeline to stop

pipelines() list[Pipeline][source]

Get all pipelines

push_to_pipeline(pipeline_name: str, table_name: str, format: str, data: list[list | str | dict], array: bool = False, force: bool = False, update_format: str = 'raw', json_flavor: str | None = None, serialize: bool = True)[source]

Insert data into a pipeline

  • pipeline_name – The name of the pipeline

  • table_name – The name of the table

  • format – The format of the data, either “json” or “csv”

  • array – True if updates in this stream are packed into JSON arrays, used in conjunction with the “json” format

  • force – If True, the data will be inserted even if the pipeline is paused

  • update_format – JSON data change event format, used in conjunction with the “json” format, the default value is “insert_delete”, other supported formats: “weighted”, “debezium”, “snowflake”, “raw”

  • json_flavor – JSON encoding used for individual table records, the default value is “default”, other supported encodings: “debezium_mysql”, “snowflake”, “kafka_connect_json_converter”, “pandas”

  • data – The data to insert

  • serialize – If True, the data will be serialized to JSON. True by default

shutdown_pipeline(pipeline_name: str)[source]

Shutdown a pipeline


pipeline_name – The name of the pipeline to shutdown

start_pipeline(pipeline_name: str)[source]

Start a pipeline


pipeline_name – The name of the pipeline to start

feldera.rest.pipeline module

class feldera.rest.pipeline.Pipeline(name: str, sql: str, program_config: Mapping[str, Any], runtime_config: Mapping[str, Any], description: str | None = None)[source]

Bases: object

Represents a Feldera pipeline

classmethod from_dict(d: Mapping[str, Any])[source]

feldera.rest.sql_table module

class feldera.rest.sql_table.SQLTable(name: str, fields: list[dict], case_sensitive: bool = False, materialized: bool = False)[source]

Bases: object

Represents a SQL table in Feldera

classmethod from_dict(table_dict: dict)[source]

feldera.rest.sql_view module

class feldera.rest.sql_view.SQLView(name: str, fields: list[dict], case_sensitive: bool = False, materialized: bool = False)[source]

Bases: object

Represents a SQL view in Feldera

classmethod from_dict(view_dict: dict)[source]

Module contents

This is the lower level REST client for Feldera.

This is a thin wrapper around the Feldera REST API.

It is recommended to use the higher level abstractions in the feldera package, instead of using the REST client directly.