Fault tolerance
Feldera can gracefully restart from the exact point of an abrupt shutdown or crash, picking up from where it left off without dropping or duplicating input or output. Fault tolerance is a preview feature in the Feldera enterprise edition only.
How fault tolerance works
Feldera implements fault tolerance with checkpoints and a log. A checkpoint is a consistent snapshot of the Feldera system's state, including computation and the input and output adapters. Periodically, Feldera writes a checkpoint to stable storage. Between checkpoints, for each batch of data that Feldera processes through the pipeline, it logs enough information to obtain another copy of the batch's input data later.
When a fault-tolerant pipeline restarts, it loads its state from the most recent checkpoint, then it replays any data from input connectors previously processed beyond that checkpoint. If replay produces output that was previously sent to output connectors, it discards that output. After replay completes, the pipeline continues with new input that has not previously been processed.
Fault tolerance requirements
For Feldera to run a pipeline in fault-tolerant mode, all of its input connectors must support fault tolerance. Some input adapters do not yet support fault tolerance and therefore may not be part of a fault-tolerant pipeline. Input connectors individually document their support for fault tolerance.
For a pipeline to be fully fault tolerant, a pipeline's output connectors must also be fault tolerant. Only the Kafka output connector supports fault tolerance as of now. If a fault-tolerant pipeline includes non-fault-tolerant output connectors, then in the event of a crash and restart, Feldera may send duplicate output to those connectors, but it will not drop output.
Feldera does not yet support fault tolerance in pipelines that use
recursive SQL or the SQL NOW
Enabling fault tolerance
Fault tolerance requires enabling storage. To enable storage and fault tolerance on a pipeline, edit the pipeline's configuration one of the following ways:
In the web UI, click on the gear icon. In the dialog box, change
, e.g: -
Using the
command line tool:fda set-config <pipeline> storage true
fda set-config <pipeline> fault_tolerance true