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Feldera Interface

There are four different ways to interact with Feldera. All methods allow users to define and run pipelines, monitor their performance and interact with materialized tables, views and change streams.

Web Console

The Web Console is the most convenient starting point to using Feldera. Simply aim your web browser at a running Feldera instance (and authenticate if required). This is typically if you are using our Docker instance or if you are using our public cloud sandbox.

Commandline Interface (fda)

fda allows users to interact with a Feldera instances from the CLI. It also provides a shell that makes it convenient to issue ad-hoc queries and start/stop pipelines.

Python SDK

The Python SDK provides a convenient wrapper around our REST API. It allows you to programmatically define pipelines.


All the above methods interact with Feldera using the REST API. This is intended for users who would like to build their own automation to Feldera. Pipeline is the most important API type.