Feldera SQL
📄️ SQL Grammar
This is a short formal description of the grammar supported in a BNF
📄️ Identifiers
Identifiers are the names of tables, columns and other metadata
📄️ Data Types
The compiler supports the following SQL data types:
📄️ Data Type Conversions
SQL expressions can mix data of different types in the same
📄️ Operators
This table shows the operators associativity, starting from highest to lowest:
📄️ Aggregate Operations
Standard aggregate operations
📄️ Boolean Operations
There are two Boolean literals: TRUE and FALSE.
📄️ Comparison Operations
The following operations can take operands with multiple data types
📄️ Integer Operations
There are four supported integer datatypes, TINYINT (8 bits),
📄️ Floating Point Operations
We support standard IEEE 754 floating point types.
📄️ Operations on Decimals
A synonym for the `decimal type is numeric`.
📄️ String Operations
SQL defines two primary character types: character varying(n) and
📄️ UUID Operations
The UUID type represents 128-bit unique identifiers.
📄️ Binary (Byte Array) Operations
The BINARY and VARBINARY data types allows storage of binary strings.
📄️ Operations on arrays
An array type can be created by applying the ARRAY suffix to another
📄️ Operations on Maps
A MAP type can be created using the syntax MAP.
📄️ Date- and Time-Related Operations
Time units
📄️ Dynamically-Typed Values and JSON Support
Direct conversion of JSON strings to User-Defined data types
📄️ Materialized Tables and Views
By default, Feldera does not maintain the complete contents of tables and views; it only
📄️ Mutually-Recursive Queries
Recursive queries are a new feature in Feldera SQL and are still evolving. Syntax and
📄️ Ad-hoc SQL Queries
You can run ad-hoc SQL queries on a running or paused pipeline. Unlike Feldera SQL programs that define pipelines and
📄️ Time-Series Extensions
This section lists SQL extensions supported by Feldera for computing over
📄️ System Views
The Feldera runtime comes with some built-in views. These views are
📄️ Table Functions
A table function is a function that returns data of a table type. The
📄️ User-Defined Functions
The SQL statement CREATE FUNCTION can be used to declare new
📄️ Index of Functions and SQL Constructs Supported in Feldera SQL
* %: operators