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SQL Grammar

This is a short formal description of the grammar supported in a BNF form.

  • Constructs enclosed between [] are optional.
  • * denotes zero or many repetitions.
  • Uppercase words (FUNCTION) and single-quoted text (')') indicate grammar terminals.
  • Parentheses () are used for grouping productions together.
  • The vertical bar | indicates choice between two constructs.

SQL reserved keywords cannot be used as table and view names. In addition, the following keywords are reserved: USER, NOW.

statement [ ';' statement ]* [ ';' ]

: createTableStatement
| createViewStatement
| createFunctionStatement
| createTypeStatement
| latenessStatement

: column generalType

Creating user-defined types

: type [NOT NULL]

: CREATE TYPE name AS '(' typedef ')'

: generalType
| name generalType [, name type ]*

See user-defined structures

Creating tables

'(' tableElement [, tableElement ]* ')'
[ 'WITH' keyValueList ]

: columnName generalType ( columnConstraint )*
| columnName
| tableConstraint

| FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES identifier '(' identifier ')'
| LATENESS expression
| WATERMARK expression
| DEFAULT expression

: [ CONSTRAINT name ]
CHECK '(' expression ')'
| PRIMARY KEY parensColumnList
| FOREIGN KEY parensColumnList REFERENCES identifier parensColumnList

: '(' columnName [, columnName ]* ')'

: '(' keyValue ( ',' keyValue )* ')'

: stringLiteral '=' stringLiteral

Columns that are part of a PRIMARY KEY cannot have nullable types.

Columns that are part of a FOREIGN KEY must refer to PRIMARY KEY columns in some table. Their types must must match (but FOREIGN KEY columns may be nullable).

CREATE TABLE is used to declare tables. Tables correspond to input data sources. A table declaration must list the table columns and their types. Here is an example:

CREATE TABLE empsalary (
depname varchar not null PRIMARY KEY,
empno bigint FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES employee(empid),
salary int,
enroll_date date

A table declaration can have an optional WITH clause which is used to specify properties of the connector that provides the source data. The properties are specified as key-value pairs, each written as a string. Here is an example:

CREATE TABLE empsalary (
depname varchar,
empno bigint,
salary int,
enroll_date date
) WITH (
'source' = 'kafka',
'url' = 'localhost:8080'

Table properties that impact the program semantics

Materialized tables

Unlike a database, Feldera does not normally maintain the contents of tables; it will only store as much data as necessary to compute future outputs. By specifying the property 'materialized' = 'true' a user instructs Feldera to also maintain the complete contents of the table. Such materialized tables can be browsed and queried at runtime. See Materialized Tables and Views for more details.

Append-only tables

The append_only Boolean property describes tables that only support insertions. Updates or deletes are not allowed in such tables.

See Streaming SQL Extensions, append-only tables

Size hints

The property expected_size can be used to pass information to the SQL compiler about the expected size of a table in steady state operation. The value of this property should be an integer value.


: LATENESS view '.' column expression

See Streaming SQL Extensions, LATENESS


See Streaming SQL Extensions, WATERMARKS

Creating user-defined functions.

CREATE FUNCTION is used to declare user-defined functions.

: CREATE FUNCTION name '(' [ columnDecl [, columnDecl ]* ] ')' RETURNS generalType
[ AS expression ]

Creating views

CREATE VIEW is used to declare a view. The optional LOCAL keyword can be used to indicate that the declared view is not exposed to the outside world as an output of the computation. This is useful for modularizing the SQL code, by declaring intermediate views that are used in the implementation of other views. The MATERIALIZED keyword instructs Feldera to maintain a full copy of the view's output in addition to producing the stream of changes. Such materialized views can be browsed and queried at runtime. See Materialized Tables and Views for more details.

[ '(' columnName [, columnName ]* ')' ]
[ 'WITH' keyValueList ]
AS query

: values
| WITH withItem [ , withItem ]* query
| {
| selectWithoutFrom
| query UNION [ ALL | DISTINCT ] query
| query EXCEPT [ ALL | DISTINCT ] query
| query MINUS [ ALL | DISTINCT ] query
| query INTERSECT [ ALL | DISTINCT ] query
[ ORDER BY orderItem [, orderItem ]* ]
[ LIMIT { count | ALL } ]

: name
[ '(' column [, column ]* ')' ]
AS '(' query ')'

: { VALUES | VALUE } expression [, expression ]*

{ * | projectItem [, projectItem ]* }
FROM tableExpression
[ WHERE booleanExpression ]
[ GROUP BY [ ALL | DISTINCT ] { groupItem [, groupItem ]* } ]
[ HAVING booleanExpression ]

: tableName '(' TABLE tableName ')'
| tablePrimary '(' columnDecl [, columnDecl ]* ')'
| UNNEST '(' expression ')' [ WITH ORDINALITY ]
| TABLE '(' functionName '(' expression [, expression ]* ')' ')'

| '(' ')'
| '(' expression [, expression ]* ')'
| CUBE '(' expression [, expression ]* ')'
| ROLLUP '(' expression [, expression ]* ')'

{ * | projectItem [, projectItem ]* }

: expression [ ASC | DESC ] [ NULLS FIRST | NULLS LAST ]

: expression [ [ AS ] columnAlias ]
| tableAlias . *

: tableReference [, tableReference ]*
| tableExpression [ NATURAL ] [ { LEFT | RIGHT | FULL } [ OUTER | ASOF ] ] JOIN tableExpression [ joinCondition ]
| tableExpression CROSS JOIN tableExpression
| tableExpression [ CROSS | OUTER ] APPLY tableExpression

: ON booleanExpression
| USING '(' column [, column ]* ')'

: tablePrimary [ pivot ] [ [ AS ] alias [ '(' columnAlias [, columnAlias ]* ')' ] ]

: PIVOT '('
pivotAgg [, pivotAgg ]*
FOR pivotList
IN '(' pivotExpr [, pivotExpr ]* ')'

: agg '(' [ ALL | DISTINCT ] value [, value ]* ')'
[ [ AS ] alias ]

: columnOrList

: exprOrList [ [ AS ] alias ]

: column
| '(' column [, column ]* ')'

: expr
| '(' expr [, expr ]* ')'

Beware that in the SQL UNION, EXCEPT, and INTERSECT statements the column names are not used to reorder columns. The result of a uses the column names from the first table.

In orderItem, if expression is a positive integer n, it denotes the nth item in the SELECT clause.

Aggregate queries

An aggregate query is a query that contains a GROUP BY or a HAVING clause, or aggregate functions in the SELECT clause. In the SELECT, HAVING and ORDER BY clauses of an aggregate query, all expressions must be constant within the current group (that is, grouping constants as defined by the GROUP BY clause, or constants), or aggregate functions, or a combination of constants and aggregate functions. Aggregate and grouping functions may only appear in an aggregate query, and only in a SELECT, HAVING or ORDER BY clause. Aggregate functions are described in this section.


A scalar sub-query is a sub-query used as an expression. If the sub-query returns no rows, the value is NULL; if it returns more than one row, it is an error.

IN, EXISTS, and scalar sub-queries can occur in any place where an expression can occur (such as the SELECT clause, WHERE clause, ON clause of a JOIN, or as an argument to an aggregate function).

An IN, EXISTS, or scalar sub-query may be correlated; that is, it may refer to tables in the FROM clause of an enclosing query.

GROUP BY DISTINCT removes duplicate grouping sets (for example, GROUP BY DISTINCT GROUPING SETS ((a), (a, b), (a)) is equivalent to GROUP BY GROUPING SETS ((a), (a, b))); GROUP BY ALL is equivalent to GROUP BY.

MINUS is equivalent to EXCEPT.

Grouping functions

GROUPING(expression, [ expression ])Returns a bit vector of the grouping expressions
GROUPING_ID(expression, [ expression ])Synonym for GROUPING

Example using GROUPING:

select deptno, job, count(*) as c, grouping(deptno) as d,
grouping(job) j, grouping(deptno, job) as x
from emp
group by cube(deptno, job);
| DEPTNO | JOB | C | D | J | X |
| 10 | CLERK | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| 10 | MANAGER | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| 10 | PRESIDENT | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| 10 | | 3 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
| 20 | ANALYST | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| 20 | CLERK | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| 20 | MANAGER | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| 20 | | 5 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
| 30 | CLERK | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| 30 | MANAGER | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| 30 | SALESMAN | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| 30 | | 6 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
| | ANALYST | 2 | 1 | 0 | 2 |
| | CLERK | 4 | 1 | 0 | 2 |
| | MANAGER | 3 | 1 | 0 | 2 |
| | PRESIDENT | 1 | 1 | 0 | 2 |
| | SALESMAN | 4 | 1 | 0 | 2 |
| | | 14 | 1 | 1 | 3 |

Window aggregates

One type of expression that can appear in a SELECT statement is a window aggregate. The grammar for window aggregates is:

: agg '(' [ ALL | DISTINCT ] value [, value ]* ')'
OVER windowSpec
| agg '(' '*' ')'
OVER windowSpec

: '('
[ windowName ]
PARTITION BY expression [, expression ]*
[ ORDER BY orderItem [, orderItem ]* ]
RANGE BETWEEN windowRange AND windowRange

| ( UNBOUNDED | expression ) ( PRECEDING | FOLLOWING )

Where agg is a window aggregate function as described in the section on aggregation.

Currently we require window ranges to have constant values. This precludes ranges such as INTERVAL 1 YEAR, which have variable sizes. The window bounds must be non-negative constant values.

Table functions

Table functions are invoked using the syntax TABLE(function(arguments)).

See Table functions

ASOF joins

An ASOF JOIN operation combines rows from two tables based on timestamp values. For each row in the left table, the join finds at most a single row in the right table that has the "closest" timestamp value. The matched row on the right side is the closest match whose timestamp column is compared using the comparison operator in the MATCH_CONDITION clause. Currently, only >= is supported. The comparison is performed using SQL semantics, which returns false when comparing NULL values with any other values. Thus a NULL timestamp in the left table will not match any timestamps in the right table.

Currently, only the LEFT form of the ASOF JOIN is supported. In this case, when there is no match for a row in the left table, the columns from the right table are null-padded.

FROM left_table LEFT ASOF JOIN right_table
MATCH_CONDITION ( left_table.timecol >= right_table.timecol )
ON left_table.col = right_table.col