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Comparison Operations

The following operations can take operands with multiple data types but always return a Boolean value (sometimes nullable):

Comparison Operations
=equality test
<>inequality test
>greater than
<less than
>=greater or equal
<=less or equal
IS NULLtrue if operand is NULL
IS NOT NULLtrue if operand is not NULL
<=>equality check that treats NULL values as equalresult is not nullable
IS DISTINCT FROMcheck if two values are not equal, treating NULL as equalresult is not nullable
IS NOT DISTINCT FROMcheck if two values are the same, treating NULL values as equalresult is not nullable
BETWEEN ... AND ...x BETWEEN a AND b is the same as a <= x AND x <= binclusive at both endpoints
NOT BETWEEN ... AND ...The NOT of the previous operatornot inclusive at either endpoint
... IN ...checks whether value appears in a list or set
<OP> ANY SETcheck if any of the values in a set compares properlyExample: 10 <= ANY (VALUES 10, 20, 30)
<OP> ALL SETcheck if all the values in a set compare properlyExample: 10 <= ALL (VALUES 10, 20, 30)
EXISTS querycheck whether query results have at least one row
UNIQUE querycheck whether the result of a query contains no duplicatesignores NULL values

Other conditional operators

CASE value WHEN value1 [, value11 ]* THEN result1 [ WHEN valueN [, valueN1 ]* THEN resultN ]* [ ELSE resultZ ] ENDSimple case
CASE WHEN condition1 THEN result1 [ WHEN conditionN THEN resultN ]* [ ELSE resultZ ] ENDSearched case
NULLIF(value, value)Returns NULL if the values are the same. For example, NULLIF(5, 5) returns NULL; NULLIF(5, 0) returns 5.
COALESCE(value, value [, value ]*)Provides a value if the first value is NULL. For example, COALESCE(NULL, 5) returns 5.