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UUID Operations

The UUID type represents 128-bit unique identifiers.

UUID literals

UUID literals are specified with UUID 'string-literal', where the string literal must have an appropriate shape for a UUID, composed of hex digits grouped in 8-4-4-4-12. An example is: UUID '123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000'.

UUID value operations

UUID values can be cast to strings (VARCHAR or CHAR), producing a string with a representation similar to the one of UUID literals described above.

CHAR or VARCHAR values can be cast to UUID values. The cast will succeed if the string is a legal UUID literal; otherwise a runtime error will occur.

UUID values can be cast to BINARY or VARBINARY values, and will produce a 16 byte result.

Conversely, BINARY and VARBINARY values that have exactly 16 bytes can be cast to UUID values.

UUID values can be cast to VARIANT; VARIANT values can be cast to UUID.