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Date- and Time-Related Operations

Time units

The following are legal time units:

Time unitMeaning
MILLENNIUMA thousand years
CENTURYA hundred years; a number between 1 and 10
DECADETen years; a number between 1 and 10
YEAROne year; can be positive or negative
QUARTER1/4 of a year; a number between 1 and 4
MONTHOne month; a number between 1 and 12
WEEKSeven days. The definition of "week" is quite involved: The year's first week is the week containing the first Thursday of the year or either the week containing the 4th of January or either the week that begins between 29th of Dec. and 4th of Jan. The week number is thus a value between 0 and 53.
DOYDay of year, a number between 1 and 366
DOWDay of week, with Sunday being 1 and Saturday being 7
ISODOWISO day of the week, with Monday 1 and Sunday 7
DAYA day within a month, a number between 1 and 31
HOURAn hour within a day, a number between 0 and 23
MINUTEA minute within an hour, a number between 0 and 59
SECONDA second within a minute, a number between 0 and 59
MILLISECONDA millisecond within a minute, including the number of seconds multiplied by 1000, a number between 0 and 59,999
MICROSECONDA microsecond within a minute, including the number of seconds multiplied by 1,000,000, a number between 0 and 59,999,999
EPOCHNumber of seconds from Unix epoch, i.e., 1970/01/01.


The date type represents a Gregorian calendar date, independent of time zone. This extends to dates before the Gregorian calendar was introduced, effectively meaning that the dates use a Proleptic calendar.

Date literals

DATE literals have the form DATE 'YYYY-MM-DD'. Trailing spaces are not allowed.

Date literals can only represent 4-digit year positive values. Values BC or values greater than 10,000 years are not supported.

Date operations

The following operations are available on dates:

DATE_TRUNC(date, <unit>), where <unit> is a time unit, as described above, between MILLENNIUM and DAY. Result is a DATE. Rounds down the date to the specified time unit. Example: DATE_TRUNC('2020-01-10', MONTH) produces the result 2020-01-01.

EXTRACT(<unit> FROM date) where <unit> is a time unit, as described above. Result is always a BIGINT value. DATE_PART is a synonym for EXTRACT.

The following abbreviations can be used as well:

YEAR(date) is an abbreviation for EXTRACT(YEAR FROM date).

MONTH(date) is an abbreviation for EXTRACT(MONTH FROM date).

DAYOFMONTH(date) is an abbreviation for EXTRACT(DAY FROM date).

DAYOFWEEK(date) is an abbreviation for EXTRACT(DOW FROM date).

HOUR(date) is an abbreviation for EXTRACT(HOUR FROM date). For dates it always returns 0, since dates have no time component.

MINUTE(date) is an abbreviation for EXTRACT(MINUTE FROM date). For dates it always returns 0, since dates have no time component.

SECOND(date) is an abbreviation for EXTRACT(SECOND FROM date). For dates it always returns 0, since dates have no time component.

FLOOR(date TO <unit>), where <unit> is a time unit.

CEIL(date TO <unit>), where <unit> is a time unit.

Values of type DATE can be compared using =, <>, !=, <, >, <=, >=, <=>, BETWEEN; the result is a Boolean.

TIMESTAMPDIFF(<unit>, left, right) computes the difference between two dates values and expresses the result in the specified time units. The result is a 32-bit integer.


A time represents the time of day, a value between 0 and 24 hours (excluding the latter).

The TIME data type can specify an optional precision, e.g., TIME(2). The precision is the number of sub-second digits supported. So TIME(3) is a time with a precision of milliseconds.

The default precision is 3.

Currently the maximum supported precision is 3 (milliseconds). Larger precisions are accepted, but internally only up to 3 digits of precision are maintained.

Time literals

TIME literals have the form TIME 'HH:MM:SS.FFF', where the fractional part is optional, and can have between 0 and 3 digits. An example is: '23:59:59.132'. The hours must be between 0 and 23, the minutes between 0 and 59, and the seconds between 0 and 59. Exactly two digits must be used for hours, minutes, and seconds. Spaces are not allowed between quotes.

Time operations

TIME_TRUNC(time, <unit>), where <unit> is a time unit, as described above, between HOUR and SECOND. Result is a TIME. Rounds down the time to the specified time unit. Example: TIME_TRUNC('12:34:56.78', MINUTE) produces the result 12:34:00.

EXTRACT(<unit> FROM time) where <unit> is a time unit from HOUR, MINUTE, SECOND, MILLISECOND; the semantics is as described above. Result is always a BIGINT value.

The following abbreviations can be used as well:

HOUR(time) is an abbreviation for EXTRACT(HOUR FROM time).

MINUTE(time) is an abbreviation for EXTRACT(MINUTE FROM time).

SECOND(time) is an abbreviation for EXTRACT(SECOND FROM time).

Values of type TIME can be compared using =, <>, !=, <, >, <=, >=, <=>, BETWEEN; the result is a Boolean.

TIMESTAMPDIFF(<unit>, left, right) computes the difference between two time values and expresses the result in the specified time units. The result is a 32-bit integer.


The TIMESTAMP data type represents values composed of a DATE (as described above) and a TIME. TIMESTAMP support an optional precision specification, e.g.: TIMESTAMP(3). The precision applies to the TIME component of the TIMESTAMP. The maximum precision supported for timestamps is 3. The default precision for timestamps (used when no precision is specified), is also 3.

Timestamp literals

TIMESTAMP literals have the form TIMESTAMP 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.FFF', where the fractional part is optional. Trailing spaces are not allowed.

Timestamp literals can only represent 4-digit year positive values. Values BC or values greater than 10,000 years are not supported.

The following operations are available on timestamps:

Operations on timestamps

A cast from a numeric value to a TIMESTAMP interprets the numeric value as an (big integer) number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch. Conversely, a cast from a TIMESTAMP to a numeric value retrieves the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch from the timestamp.

TIMESTAMP_TRUNC(timestamp, <unit>), where <unit> is a time unit, as described above, between MILLENNIUM and SECOND. Result is a TIMESTAMP. Rounds down the timestamp to the specified time unit. Example: TIMESTAMP_TRUNC('2020-01-10 10:00:00', MONTH) produces the result 2020-01-01 00:00:00.

EXTRACT(<unit> FROM timestamp) where <unit> is a time unit, as described above. Result is always a BIGINT value.

The following abbreviations can be used as well:

YEAR(timestamp) is an abbreviation for EXTRACT(YEAR FROM timestamp).

MONTH(timestamp) is an abbreviation for EXTRACT(MONTH FROM timestamp).

DAYOFMONTH(timestamp) is an abbreviation for EXTRACT(DAY FROM timestamp).

DAYOFWEEK(timestamp) is an abbreviation for EXTRACT(DOW FROM timestamp).

HOUR(timestamp) is an abbreviation for EXTRACT(HOUR FROM timestamp).

MINUTE(timestamp) is an abbreviation for EXTRACT(MINUTE FROM timestamp).

SECOND(timestamp) is an abbreviation for EXTRACT(SECOND FROM timestamp).

FLOOR(timestamp TO <unit>), where <unit> is a time unit.

CEIL(timestamp TO <unit>), where <unit> is a time unit.

Values of type TIMESTAMP can be compared using =, <>, !=, <, >, <=, >=, <=>, BETWEEN; the result is a Boolean.

TIMESTAMPDIFF(<unit>, left, right) computes the difference between two timestamps and expresses the result in the specified time units. The result is a 32-bit integer. DATEDIFF is a synonym for TIMESTAMPDIFF. One month is considered elapsed when the calendar month has increased and the calendar day and time is greater than or equal to the start. Weeks, quarters, and years follow from that.

TIMESTAMPADD(<unit>, integer, timestamp) adds an interval in the specified unit to a timestamp.

DATEADD is a synonym for TIMESTAMPADD. The added value can be negative. The type of the result is as follows:

  • Adding anything to a TIMESTAMP value produces a TIMESTAMP result
  • Adding a interval of hours, minutes, or seconds to a DATE produces a TIMESTAMP result
  • Adding a an interval of days, months, or longer to a DATE produces a DATE result

To create a timestamp using the Unix EPOCH in seconds as a base, you can use the TIMESTAMPADD function. The following code creates a MAKE_TIMESTAMP function which creates a TIMESTAMP given a number of seconds:


Time intervals

The interval types

Note that currently one cannot specify a type of INTERVAL for a table column. Interval types can be generated by queries though, so they can appear in the computed views.

Interval literals

Interval literals (constant values) can be written using the following verbose syntax:

INTERVAL 'string' timeUnit [ TO timeUnit]

tiemUnit is one of millisecond, second, minute, hour, day, week, month, quarter, year, or plurals of these units. Only the following combinations are supported:

TypeExample literal

A leading negative sign applies to all fields; for example the negative sign in the interval literal INTERVAL '-1 2:03:04' DAYS TO SECONDS applies to both the days and hour/minute/second parts.

To specify an interval value with more than 2 digits you must specify an increased precision for the corresponding type, e.g.: INTERVAL '100' HOUR(3)

EXTRACT(unit FROM interval) extracts the specified value from an INTERVAL. Short intervals support EXTRACT of values between DAYS and MILLISECONDS. Long intervals support EXTRACT of values between MILLENIUM and MONTHS.

Other date/time/timestamp/time interval operations

The following arithmetic operations are supported:

OperationResult TypeExplanation
date + intervalDATEAdd an interval to a date
(date - date) shortIntervalINTERVALCompute the difference between two dates as a short interval
(date - date) longIntervalINTERVALCompute the difference between two dates as a long interval
(time - time) shortIntervalINTERVALCompute the difference between two times as a short interval
interval + intervalINTERVALAdd two intervals; both must have the same type
timestamp + intervalTIMESTAMPAdd an interval to a timestamp
time + intervalTIMEAdd an interval to a time. Performs wrapping addition.
- intervalINTERVALNegate an interval
date - intervalDATESubtract an interval from a date
time - intervalTIMESubtract an interval from a time. Performs wrapping subtraction.
timestamp - intervalTIMESTAMPSubtract an interval from a timestamp
(timestamp - timestamp) shortIntervalINTERVALCompute the difference between two timestamps as a short interval
(TIMESTAMP - TIMESTAMP) longIntervalINTERVALCompute the difference between two timestamps as a long interval
interval - intervalINTERVALSubtract two intervals
interval * doubleINTERVALMultiply an interval by a scalar
interval / doubleINTERVALDivide an interval by a scalar

Arithmetic involving a TIME value always produces a (positive) TIME value, between 00:00:00 (inclusive) and 24:00:00 (exclusive). One can think of the computation as being performed in nanoseconds, and then performing a modulo operation with the number of nanoseconds in a day. For this reason, adding or subtracting a long interval from a TIME value is supported, but always leaves the TIME value unchanged (since long intervals always consist of a whole number of days).

Arithmetic between a DATE and an INTERVAL first converts the interval to a whole number days (rounding down) and then performs the computation on whole days.

DATE_SUB is a synonim for DATE - INTERVAL.

DATE_ADD is a synonim for DATE + INTERVAL.


DATE, TIME and TIMESTAMP have no time zone.


The NOW() function returns the current date and time as a TIMESTAMP value. More precisely, it returns the date and time when the current step of the pipeline was triggered. A step is triggered when the pipeline receives one or more new inputs or after a user-configurable period of time if no new inputs arrive. When executing a step, the pipeline incrementally updates all its views. In particular, views that depend on the value of NOW() are updated using the new current time. The value of NOW() remains constant within a step.

By default, in the absence of new inputs, a step is triggered every 100 milliseconds. This behavior is controlled by the clock_resolution_usecs pipeline configuration setting.

NOWReturns a timestampNOW() => 2024-07-10 00:00:00

Programs that use NOW() can be very inefficient. For example, a program such as SELECT T.x + NOW() FROM T has to scan the entire table T at every step. Use this function judiciously.

Note however that a specific class of WHERE and HAVING expressions that use NOW() can be implemented very efficiently. These are the so-called "temporal filters". Here is an example:


In general, a temporal filter will involve inequality or equality comparisons between an expression and a monotone function of the NOW result. A conjunction of such terms is also accepted if all terms involve the same expression (e.g.: T.ts >= NOW() - INTERVAL 1 DAYS AND T.ts <= NOW() + INTERVAL 1 DAYS).

Date parsing and formatting

We support the following functions for formatting and parsing date-like values:

FORMAT_DATEstring_format, datestringFORMAT_DATE("%Y-%m", d) => 2020-10
PARSE_DATEstring_format, stringDATEPARSE_DATE(" %Y-%m-%d", ' 2020-10-01') => 2020-10-01
PARSE_TIMEstring_format, stringTIMEPARSE_TIME("%H:%m", '10:10') => 10:10:00
PARSE_TIMESTAMPstring_format, stringTIMESTAMPPARSE_TIMESTAMP("%Y-%m", '2020-10') => 2020-10-01 00:00:00

If the string cannot be parsed according to the specified format:

  • a runtime error is produced if the format is incorrect for producing a value of the required type
  • the result is NULL if string cannot be parsed according to the format

For the parsing functions the format string must have enough elements to obtain all elements required for building the result. For example, PARSE_TIME('%I:%M:%S', '10:00:00') will produce a runtime error, since the %I element does not have enough information to infer whether the hour is AM or PM (an extra %p element is needed).

The format string recognizes the following format specifiers; this definition follows the Rust strftime spec:

Date Specifiers

%Y2001The full proleptic Gregorian year, zero-padded to 4 digits. chrono supports years from -262144 to 262143. Note: years before 1 BCE or after 9999 CE, require an initial sign (+/-).
%C20The proleptic Gregorian year divided by 100, zero-padded to 2 digits.
%y01The proleptic Gregorian year modulo 100, zero-padded to 2 digits.
%m07Month number (01–12), zero-padded to 2 digits.
%bJulAbbreviated month name. Always 3 letters.
%BJulyFull month name. Also accepts corresponding abbreviation in parsing.
%hJulSame as %b.
%d08Day number (01–31), zero-padded to 2 digits.
%e8Same as %d but space-padded. Same as %_d.
%aSunAbbreviated weekday name. Always 3 letters.
%ASundayFull weekday name. Also accepts corresponding abbreviation in parsing.
%w0Sunday = 0, Monday = 1, …, Saturday = 6.
%u7Monday = 1, Tuesday = 2, …, Sunday = 7. (ISO 8601)
%U28Week number starting with Sunday (00–53), zero-padded to 2 digits.
%W27Same as %U, but week 1 starts with the first Monday in that year instead.
%G2001Same as %Y but uses the year number in ISO 8601 week date.
%g01Same as %y but uses the year number in ISO 8601 week date.
%V27Same as %U but uses the week number in ISO 8601 week date (01–53).
%j189Day of the year (001–366), zero-padded to 3 digits.
%D07/08/01Month-day-year format. Same as %m/%d/%y.
%F2001-07-08Year-month-day format (ISO 8601). Same as %Y-%m-%d.
%v8-Jul-2001Day-month-year format. Same as %e-%b-%Y.

Time Specifiers

%H00Hour number (00–23), zero-padded to 2 digits.
%k0Same as %H but space-padded. Same as %_H.
%I12Hour number in 12-hour clocks (01–12), zero-padded to 2 digits.
%l12Same as %I but space-padded. Same as %_I.
%Pamam or pm in 12-hour clocks.
%pAMAM or PM in 12-hour clocks.
%M34Minute number (00–59), zero-padded to 2 digits.
%S60Second number (00–60), zero-padded to 2 digits.
%f26490000Number of nanoseconds since last whole second.
%.f.026490Decimal fraction of a second. Consumes the leading dot.
%.3f.026Decimal fraction of a second with a fixed length of 3.
%.6f.026490Decimal fraction of a second with a fixed length of 6.
%.9f.026490000Decimal fraction of a second with a fixed length of 9.
%3f026Decimal fraction of a second like %.3f but without the leading dot.
%6f026490Decimal fraction of a second like %.6f but without the leading dot.
%9f026490000Decimal fraction of a second like %.9f but without the leading dot.
%R00:34Hour-minute format. Same as %H:%M.
%T00:34:60Hour-minute-second format. Same as %H:%M:%S.

Time Zone Specifiers

These are currently unused

%ZACSTLocal time zone name. Skips all non-whitespace characters during parsing. Identical to %:z when formatting.
%z+0930Offset from the local time to UTC (with UTC being +0000).
%:z+09:30Same as %z but with a colon.
%::z+09:30:00Offset from the local time to UTC with seconds.
%:::z+09Offset from the local time to UTC without minutes.
%#z+09Parsing only: Same as %z but allows minutes to be missing or present.

Timestamp Specifiers

%+2001-07-08T00:34:60.026490+09:30ISO 8601 / RFC 3339 date & time format.
%s994518299UNIX timestamp, the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00 UTC.

Special Specifiers

%tLiteral tab (\t).
%nLiteral newline (\n).
%%Literal percent sign.

It is possible to override the default padding behavior of numeric specifiers %?. This is not allowed for other specifiers.

%-?Suppresses any padding including spaces and zeroes. (e.g. %j = 012, %-j = 12)
%_?Uses spaces as a padding. (e.g. %j = 012, %_j = 12)
%0?Uses zeroes as a padding. (e.g. %e = 9, %0e = 09)