changelog_url stringURL that navigates to the changelog of the current version |
edition stringFeldera edition: "Open source" or "Enterprise" |
license_info object — OPTIONALdescription_html stringOptional description of the advantages of extending the license / upgrading from a trial | expires_at date-timeTimestamp at which the license expires | expires_in_seconds int64Duration until the license expires | extension_url stringURL that navigates the user to extend / upgrade their license | is_expired booleanWhether the license is expired | is_trial booleanWhether the license is a trial | remind_schedule | remind_starting_at date-timeTimestamp from which the user should be reminded of the license expiring soon |
revision stringSpecific revision corresponding to the edition version (e.g., git commit hash).
This is an empty string if it is unspecified. |
telemetry string |
update_info object — OPTIONALinstructions_url stringURL that navigates the user to instructions on how to update their deployment's version | is_latest_version booleanWhether the current version matches the latest version | latest_version stringLatest version corresponding to the edition | remind_schedule |
version stringThe version corresponding to the type of edition .
Format is x.y.z . |