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Subscribe to a stream of updates from a SQL view or table.

The pipeline responds with a continuous stream of changes to the specified table or view, encoded using the format specified in the ?format= parameter. Updates are split into Chunks.

The pipeline continues sending updates until the client closes the connection or the pipeline is shut down.

Path Parameters
pipeline_name string REQUIRED

Unique pipeline name

table_name string REQUIRED

SQL table name. Unquoted SQL names have to be capitalized. Quoted SQL names have to exactly match the case from the SQL program.

Query Parameters
format string REQUIRED

Output data format, e.g., 'csv' or 'json'.

array boolean

Set to true to group updates in this stream into JSON arrays (used in conjunction with format=json). The default value is false

backpressure boolean

Apply backpressure on the pipeline when the HTTP client cannot receive data fast enough. When this flag is set to false (the default), the HTTP connector drops data chunks if the client is not keeping up with its output. This prevents a slow HTTP client from slowing down the entire pipeline. When the flag is set to true, the connector waits for the client to receive each chunk and blocks the pipeline if the client cannot keep up.


Connection to the endpoint successfully established. The body of the response contains a stream of data chunks.

bin_data binary OPTIONAL

Base64 encoded binary payload, e.g., bincode.

json_data object OPTIONAL

JSON payload.

sequence_number int64
text_data string OPTIONAL

Text payload, e.g., CSV.


Unknown data format specified in the '?format=' argument.

details object

Detailed error metadata. The contents of this field is determined by error_code.

error_code string

Error code is a string that specifies this error type.

message string

Human-readable error message.


Specified table or view does not exist.

details object

Detailed error metadata. The contents of this field is determined by error_code.

error_code string

Error code is a string that specifies this error type.

message string

Human-readable error message.


Pipeline is not currently running because it has been shutdown or not yet started.

details object

Detailed error metadata. The contents of this field is determined by error_code.

error_code string

Error code is a string that specifies this error type.

message string

Human-readable error message.


Request failed.

details object

Detailed error metadata. The contents of this field is determined by error_code.

error_code string

Error code is a string that specifies this error type.

message string

Human-readable error message.