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Avro Format


This page describes configuration options specific to the Avro data format. See top-level connector documentation for general information about configuring input and output connectors.

Feldera supports sending and receiving data in the Avro format. We currently only support the Avro format in conjunction with Kafka source and sink transport connectors. Avro is a strongly-typed format that requires a shared schema between the sender and receiver for successful data encoding and decoding.

Feldera supports the streaming variant of the Avro format, where message schemas are managed out-of-band by a schema registry service. Instead of carrying the entire schema, Kafka messages include only schema identifiers:

  • Sender: Before sending the first message with a new schema, the sender registers the schema in the schema registry.
  • Receiver: Upon receiving a message, the receiver retrieves the associated schema from the registry based on the schema identifier before decoding the message.

We support several Avro-based formats:

  • Raw - every message contains a single Avro-encoded record that represents a row in a SQL table or view.

    • Raw input: An input connector configured with the raw Avro format treats all incoming messages as inserts.
    • Raw output: An output connector configured with the Raw Avro format includes an operation type ("op") as a header in each output Kafka message: "op": "insert" represents an insertion and "op": "delete" representa a deletion.
  • Debezium (input only) - used to synchronize a Feldera table with an external database using Debezium. See Debezium source connector documentation for more details.

  • Confluent JDBC (output only) - used to send incremental changes computed by Feldera to an external database using the Confluent JDBC connector. See Confluent JDBC sink documentation for details.

Avro input

Schema management and schema evolution

To decode an Avro message, Feldera must obtain the Avro schema that was used to produce it. Typically, this schema is retrieved from the schema registry. Alternatively, users can manually provide the schema as a JSON string as part of connector configuration.

When utilizing a schema registry, each message contains an embedded schema ID, which is used to look up the corresponding schema in the registry. Usually, all messages in the input stream have the same schema ID. However, the data producer can modify the message structure and its corresponding schema ID mid-stream. For instance, Debezium updates the schema whenever there is a change in the connected database schema. This process is known as schema evolution.

Feldera supports schema evolution, provided that all schemas in the input stream are compatible with the SQL table declaration to which the stream is connected, as described below.

Schema compatibility

The Avro schema consists of metadata specific to the format (e.g., raw or Debezium) and a table record schema. The record schema must match the schema of the SQL table that the connector is attached to:

  • The Avro schema must be of type record.

  • For every non-nullable column in the table, a field with the same name and a compatible type must be present in the Avro schema Note that the Avro schema is allowed to contain fields that don't exist in the SQL table. Such fields are ignored by the parser. Conversely, the SQL table can contain nullable columns that are not present in the schema. Such columns will be set to NULL during deserialization.

A SQL column and a field in the Avro schema are compatible if the following conditions are satisfied:

  • If the Avro field is nullable, the SQL column is also nullable (however, a non-nullable field can be deserialized into either nullable or non-nullable column).

  • The SQL column type and Avro field type must match according to the following table:

DECIMALnot yet supported
TIMElong or intlogical type must be set to time-millis or time-micros
TIMESTAMPlonglogical type must be set to timestamp-millis or timestamp-micros
ARRAYarrayAvro and SQL array element schemas must match
MAPmapSQL map keys must be of type CHAR or VARCHAR; Avro and SQL value schemas must match
VARIANTstringvalues of type VARIANT are deserialized from JSON-encoded strings (see VARIANT documetation)
user-defined typesrecordAvro record schema must match SQL user-defined type definition according to the same schema compatibility rules as for SQL tables


The following properties can be used to configure the Avro parser. All of these properties are optional. However, either registry_urls or schema properties must be specified.

update_format"raw" or "debezium""raw"Format used to encode data change events in this stream
schemastringAvro schema used to encode all records in this stream, specified as a JSON-encoded string. When this property is set, the connector uses the provided schema instead of retrieving the schema from the schema registry. This setting is mutually exclusive with registry_urls.
skip_schema_idBooleanfalsetrue if serialized messages only contain raw data without the header carrying schema ID. See Confluent documentation for more details
registry_urlsarray of strings[]List of schema registry URLs. When non-empty, the connector retrieves Avro message schemas from the registry.
registry_proxystringProxy that will be used to access the schema registry. Requires registry_urls to be set.
registry_timeout_secsstringTimeout in seconds used to connect to the registry. Requires registry_urls to be set.
registry_usernamestringUsername used to authenticate with the registry.Requires registry_urls to be set. This option is mutually exclusive with token-based authentication (see registry_authorization_token).
registry_passwordstringPassword used to authenticate with the registry. Requires registry_urls to be set.
registry_authorization_tokenstringToken used to authenticate with the registry. Requires registry_urls to be set. This option is mutually exclusive with password-based authentication (see registry_username and registry_password).


Configure the Avro parser to receive raw Avro records without embedded schema ids using a static user-provided schema.

CREATE TABLE my_table (
) with (
'connectors' = '[{
"transport": {
"name": "kafka_input",
"config": {
"bootstrap.servers": "localhost:19092",
"auto.offset.reset": "earliest",
"topics": ["my_topic"]
"format": {
"name": "avro",
"config": {
"schema": "{\"type\":\"record\",\"name\":\"ExampleSchema\",\"fields\":[{\"name\":\"id\",\"type\":\"int\"},{\"name\":\"ts\",\"type\":[\"null\",{\"type\":\"long\",\"logicalType\":\"timestamp-micros\"}]}]}",
"skip_schema_id": true,
"update_format": "raw"

Configure the Avro parser to ingest data change events from Debezium (refer to Debezium connector documentation for additional details on setting up the Debezium source connector).

CREATE TABLE my_table (
) with (
'connectors' = '[{
"transport": {
"name": "kafka_input",
"config": {
"bootstrap.servers": "localhost:19092,
"auto.offset.reset": "earliest",
"topics": ["my_topic"]
"format": {
"name": "avro",
"config": {
"registry_urls": ["http://localhost:18081"],
"update_format": "debezium"

Avro output

Schema management

The Avro encoder generates an Avro schema, which the consumer can use to decode messages produced by the encoder. For message formats that include key and value components with different schemas, e.g., the Confluent JDBC connector format, the encoder generates both key and value schemas. If the connector configuration specifies a schema registry, the encoder publishes both key and value schemas in the registry (see Configuration below).

The encoder supports an alternative workflow where users provide the schema as a JSON string as part of connector configuration and the encoder produces messages using this schema instead of generating it automatically. If the connector configuration specifies a schema registry, the encoder publishes both the user-provided schema to the registry.


The following properties can be used to configure the Avro encoder. All of these properties are optional. However, exactly one of registry_urls and schema properties must be specified.

update_format"raw" or "confluent_jdbc""raw"Format used to encode data change events in this stream
schemastringAvro schema used to encode output records. When specified, the encoder will use this schema; otherwise it will automatically generate an Avro schema based on the SQL view definition. Specified as a string containing schema definition in JSON format. This schema must match precisely the SQL view definition, modulo nullability of columns.
namespacestringAvro namespace for the generated Avro schemas.
subject_name_strategy"topic_name", "record_name", or "topic_record_name"see descriptionSubject name strategy used to publish Avro schemas used by the connector in the schema registry. When this property is not specified, the connector chooses subject name strategy automatically, topic_name for confluent_jdbc update format or record_name for raw update format.
key_fieldsarray of stringsWhen this option is set, only the listed fields appear in the Debezium message key. This option is only valid with the confluent_jdbc update format. It is used when writing to a table with primary keys. For such tables, the Confluent JDBC sink connector expects the message key to contain only the primary key columns. When this field is set, the connector generates a separate Avro schema, containing only the listed fields, and uses this schema to encode Kafka message keys.
skip_schema_idBooleanfalseSet to true if serialized messages should only contain raw data without the header carrying schema ID. False by default. See
registry_urlsarray of strings[]List of schema registry URLs. When non-empty, the connector retrieves Avro message schemas from the registry.
registry_proxystringProxy that will be used to access the schema registry. Requires registry_urls to be set.
registry_timeout_secsstringTimeout in seconds used to connect to the registry. Requires registry_urls to be set.
registry_usernamestringUsername used to authenticate with the registry.Requires registry_urls to be set. This option is mutually exclusive with token-based authentication (see registry_authorization_token).
registry_passwordstringPassword used to authenticate with the registry. Requires registry_urls to be set.
registry_authorization_tokenstringToken used to authenticate with the registry. Requires registry_urls to be set. This option is mutually exclusive with password-based authentication (see registry_username and registry_password).


Configure the Avro encoder to send raw Avro records using a static user-provided schema. The configuration does not specify a schema registry URL, so the encoder will not try to publush the schema.

'connectors' = '[{
"transport": {
"name": "kafka_output",
"config": {
"bootstrap.servers": "localhost:19092",
"topic": "my_topic",
"auto.offset.reset": "earliest"
"format": {
"name": "avro",
"config": {
"schema": "{\"type\":\"record\",\"name\":\"ExampleSchema\",\"fields\":[{\"name\":\"id\",\"type\":\"int\"},{\"name\":\"ts\",\"type\":[\"null\",{\"type\":\"long\",\"logicalType\":\"timestamp-micros\"}]}]}"
SELECT * from my_table;

Configure the Avro encoder to output changes in the format expected by the Confluent JDBC Kakfa Connect connector. The encoder will generate two separate schemas for the key and value components of the message and publish them in the schema registry.

create view my_view
'connectors' = '[{
"transport": {
"name": "kafka_output",
"config": {
"bootstrap.servers": "localhost:19092",
"topic": "my_topic"
"format": {
"name": "avro",
"config": {
"update_format": "confluent_jdbc",
"registry_urls": ["http://localhost:18081"],
"key_fields": ["id"]
as select * from test_table;