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HTTP input connector

Feldera supports directly pushing data to a SQL table over HTTP.

  • This input connector is ephemeral: it is created when the HTTP connection is opened, and is deleted once it is closed.

  • It is the only input connector not created and managed by the user.

  • Usage is through a special endpoint: /v0/pipelines/:pipeline_name/ingress/:table_name?format=...

  • Specify data input format using URL query parameters (e.g., format=..., and more depending on format).

Example usage

We will insert rows into table product for pipeline supply-chain-pipeline.


One row

curl -i -X 'POST' \
http://localhost:8080/v0/pipelines/supply-chain-pipeline/ingress/product?format=json \
-d '{"insert": {"pid": 0, "name": "hammer", "price": 5.0}}'

One row while providing authorization header

curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer <API-KEY>" -X 'POST' \
http://localhost:8080/v0/pipelines/supply-chain-pipeline/ingress/product?format=json \
-d '{"insert": {"pid": 0, "name": "hammer", "price": 5.0}}'

Multiple rows as newline-delimited JSON (NDJSON)

curl -i -X 'POST' \
http://localhost:8080/v0/pipelines/supply-chain-pipeline/ingress/product?format=json \
-d '{"insert": {"pid": 0, "name": "hammer", "price": 5}}
{"insert": {"pid": 1, "name": "nail", "price": 0.02}}'

Multiple rows as a JSON array (note: URL parameter array=true)

curl -i -X 'POST' \
http://localhost:8080/v0/pipelines/supply-chain-pipeline/ingress/product?format=json\&array=true \
-d '[{"insert": {"pid": 0, "name": "hammer", "price": 5}}, {"insert": {"pid": 1, "name": "nail", "price": 0.02}}]'

Delete a row

curl -i -X 'POST' \
http://localhost:8080/v0/pipelines/supply-chain-pipeline/ingress/product?format=json \
-d '{"delete": {"pid": 1}}'

Python (direct API calls)

Insert 1000 rows in batches of 50

Insert 1000 products named "hammer" with unique product identifiers and a random price between 1 and 100. Batching can improve throughput.

import random
import requests

api_url = "http://localhost:8080"
headers = {"authorization": f"Bearer <API-KEY>"}

batch = []
for product_id in range(0, 1000):
batch.append({"insert": {
"pid": product_id, "name": "hammer", "price": random.uniform(1.0, 100.0)
if len(batch) >= 50 or product_id == 999:
json=batch, headers=headers

Python (using Python API)

Insert 1000 rows in batches of 50

Insert 1000 products named "hammer" with unique product identifiers and a random price between 1 and 100. Batching can improve throughput.

import random
import requests
from feldera import FelderaClient

api_key = "<API-KEY>"
CLIENT = FelderaClient("http://localhost:8080", api_key)

batch = []
for product_id in range(0, 1000):
batch.append({"insert": {
"pid": product_id, "name": "hammer", "price": random.uniform(1.0, 100.0)
if len(batch) >= 50 or product_id == 999:

Additional resources

For more information, see: