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Delta Lake input connector


This page describes configuration options specific to the Delta Lake connector. See top-level connector documentation for general information about configuring input and output connectors.

Delta Lake is an open-source storage framework for the Lakehouse architecture. It is typically used with the Apache Spark runtime. Data in a Delta Lake is organized in tables (called Delta Tables), stored in a file system or an object stores like AWS S3, Google GCS, or Azure Blob Storage. Like other Lakehouse-native storage formats, Delta Lake is optimized for both batch and stream processing, offering a bridge between the two worlds.

The Delta Lake input connector does not yet support fault tolerance.

Delta Lake input connector configuration

uri*stringTable URI, e.g., "s3://feldera-fraud-detection-data/demographics_train"
mode*enumTable read mode. Three options are available:
  • snapshot - read a snapshot of the table and stop.
  • follow - follow the changelog of the table, only ingesting changes (new and deleted rows)
  • snapshot_and_follow - Read a snapshot of the table before switching to the follow mode. This mode implements the backfill pattern where we load historical data for the table before ingesting the stream of real-time updates.
timestamp_columnstringTable column that serves as an event timestamp. When this option is specified, and mode is one of snapshot or snapshot_and_follow, table rows are ingested in the timestamp order, respecting the LATENESS property of the column: each ingested row has a timestamp no more than LATENESS time units earlier than the most recent timestamp of any previously ingested row. See details below.

Optional row filter. This option is only valid when mode is set to snapshot or snapshot_and_follow. When specified, only rows that satisfy the filter condition are included in the snapshot. The condition must be a valid SQL Boolean expression that can be used in the where clause of the select * from snapshot where .. query.

This option can be used to specify the range of event times to include in the snapshot, e.g.: ts BETWEEN TIMESTAMP '2005-01-01 00:00:00' AND TIMESTAMP '2010-12-31 23:59:59'.


Optional table version. When this option is set, the connector finds and opens the specified version of the table. In snapshot and snapshot_and_follow modes, it retrieves the snapshot of this version of the table. In follow and snapshot_and_follow modes, it follows transaction log records after this version.

Note: at most one of version and datetime options can be specified. When neither of the two options is specified, the latest committed version of the table is used.


Optional timestamp for the snapshot in the ISO-8601/RFC-3339 format, e.g., "2024-12-09T16:09:53+00:00". When this option is set, the connector finds and opens the version of the table as of the specified point in time (based on the server time recorded in the transaction log, not the event time encoded in the data). In snapshot and snapshot_and_follow modes, it retrieves the snapshot of this version of the table. In follow and snapshot_and_follow modes, it follows transaction log records after this version.

Note: at most one of version and datetime options can be specified. When neither of the two options is specified, the latest committed version of the table is used.

[*]: Required fields

Storage parameters

Along with the parameters listed above, there are additional configuration options for specific storage backends. Refer to backend-specific documentation for details:

Data type mapping

The following table lists supported Delta Lake data types and corresponding Feldera types.

Delta Lake typeFeldera SQL typeComment
DECIMAL(P,S)DECIMAL(P,S)The largest supported precision P is 28.
TIMESTAMP, TIMESTAMP_NTZTIMESTAMPTimestamp values are rounded to the nearest millisecond. Feldera currently does not support timestamps with time zones. When using the TIMESTAMP DeltaLake type, time zone information gets discarded.
STRUCTROW or user-defined typestructs can be encoded as either anonymous ROW types or as named user-defined structs

Ingesting time series data from a Delta Lake

Feldera is optimized to efficiently process time series data by taking advantage of the fact that such data often arrives ordered by timestamp, i.e., every event has the same or larger timestamp than the previous event. In some cases, events can get reordered and delayed, but this delay is bounded, e.g., it may not exceed 1 hour. We refer to this bound as lateness and specify it by attaching the LATENESS attribute to the timestamp column of the table declaraion. See our Time Series Analysis Guide for more details.

When reading from a Delta Table that contains time series data, the user must ensure that the initial snapshot of the table is ingested respecting the LATENESS annotation, e.g., if the table contains one year worth of data, and its lateness is equal to 1 month, then the connector must ingest all data for the first month before moving to the second month, and so on. If this requirement is violated, the pipeline will drop records that arrive more that LATENESS out of order.

This can be achieved using the timestamp_column property, which specifies the table column that serves as an event timestamp. When this property is set, and mode is one of snapshot or snapshot_and_follow, table rows are ingested in the timestamp order, respecting the LATENESS annotation on the column: each ingested row has a timestamp no more than LATENESS time units earlier than the most recent timestamp of any previously ingested row. The ingestion is performed by partitioning the table into timestamp ranges of width LATENESS and ingesting ranges one by one in increasing timestamp order.


  • The timestamp column must be of a supported type: integer, DATE, or TIMESTAMP.
  • The timestamp column must be declared with non-zero LATENESS.
  • LATENESS must be a valid constant expression in the DataFusion SQL dialect. The reason for this is that Feldera uses the Apache Datafusion engine to query Delta Lake. In practice, most valid Feldera SQL expressions are accepted by DataFusion.
  • For efficient ingest, the Delta table must be optimized for timestamp-based queries using partitioning, Z-ordering, or liquid clustering.

Note that the timestamp_column property only controls the initial table snapshot. When mode is set to follow or snapshot_and_follow and the connector is following the transaction log of the table, it ingests changes in the order they appear in the log. It is the responsibility of the application that writes to the table to ensure that changes it applies to the table respect the LATENESS annotations.


The following table contains a timestamp column of type TIMESTAMP with LATENESS equal to INTERVAL 30 days. Assuming that the oldest timestamp in the table is 2024-01-01T00:00:00, the connector will fetch all records with timestamps from 2024-01-01, then all records for 2024-01-02, 2024-01-03, etc., until all rcords in the table have been ingested.

CREATE TABLE transaction(
trans_date_trans_time TIMESTAMP NOT NULL LATENESS INTERVAL 1 day,
cc_num BIGINT,
merchant STRING,
category STRING,
trans_num STRING,
unix_time BIGINT,
merch_lat DOUBLE,
merch_long DOUBLE,
is_fraud BIGINT
) WITH (
'connectors' = '[{
"transport": {
"name": "delta_table_input",
"config": {
"uri": "s3://feldera-fraud-detection-data/transaction_train",
"mode": "snapshot",
"aws_skip_signature": "true",
"timestamp_column": "trans_date_trans_time"

Additional examples

Create a Delta Lake input connector to read a snapshot of a table from a public S3 bucket, using unix_time as the timestamp column. The column stores event time in seconds since UNIX epoch and has lateness equal to 30 days (3600 seconds/hour * 24 hours/day * 30 days). Note the aws_skip_signature flag, required to read from the bucket without authentcation,

CREATE TABLE transaction(
trans_date_trans_time TIMESTAMP,
cc_num BIGINT,
merchant STRING,
category STRING,
trans_num STRING,
unix_time BIGINT LATENESS 3600 * 24 * 30,
merch_lat DOUBLE,
merch_long DOUBLE,
is_fraud BIGINT
) WITH (
'connectors' = '[{
"transport": {
"name": "delta_table_input",
"config": {
"uri": "s3://feldera-fraud-detection-data/transaction_train",
"mode": "snapshot",
"aws_skip_signature": "true",
"timestamp_column": "unix_time"

Read a full snapshot of version 10 of the table before ingesting the stream of changes for versions 11 onward. The initial snapshot will be sorted by the unix_time column. Here and below we only show the contents of the transport.config field of the connector.

"uri": "s3://feldera-fraud-detection-data/transaction_infer",
"mode": "snapshot_and_follow",
"version": 10,
"timestamp_column": "unix_time",
"aws_skip_signature": "true"

Read a full snapshot of a Delta table using the specified AWS access key. Note that the aws_region parameter is required in this case, because the Delta Lake Rust library we use does not currently auto-detect the AWS region.

"uri": "s3://feldera-fraud-detection-demo/transaction_train",
"mode": "snapshot",
"aws_access_key_id": <AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID>,
"aws_secret_access_key": <AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY>,
"aws_region": "us-east-1"