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Time Series Analysis with Feldera

This guide covers concepts required to effectively process time series data with Feldera. A time series is a sequence of events, such as IoT sensor readings or financial transactions, where each event is associated with one or more timestamps. Time series data is inherently dynamic, changing continuously as new events arrive in real-time. Feldera is designed to compute over changing data, making it well-suited for time series analytics.


Most examples in this guide are available as a pre-packaged demo "Time Series Analysis with Feldera" that ships with the Feldera Docker container and the online sandbox.

At a high-level, Feldera allows users to efficiently compute on time series data by providing LATENESS annotations on tables and views. These annotations describe the datasource and tell Feldera the maximum out-of-orderness in the data. For example, it allows users to convey to Feldera a hint of the form "I know that data from my IoT sensor will never get delayed by more than a day". Feldera takes these hints and automatically decides when it is safe to drop state that won't affect the output of any of the views. This allows Feldera to evaluate various classes of queries on infinite streams of data (like telemetry data) with finite memory, making it extremely resource efficient.


Feldera does not automatically garbage collect materialized tables and views, as well as tables declared with a primary key. If such a table stores an unbounded time series, it will continue to consume storage without limit.

Users can further take advantage of LATENESS annotations to control when the output of a query is produced by Feldera using emit_final annotations.

In the following sections, we will explain lateness and other key concepts with which users can efficiently compute over timeseries data.

The last part of this guide lists SQL patterns frequently used in time series analysis. Feldera supports garbage collection for most of these patterns, meaning that the can be evaluated efficiently using bounded memory.

Timestamp columns and lateness

A timestamp column is a column in a SQL table or view that indicates a specific point in time associated with each row.

  • There can be any number of timestamp columns in a table. For instance, a table that describes taxi rides can store the time when the ride order was received, pickup time, dropoff time, and the time when the payment was processed.

  • Timestamp columns can have any temporal (TIMESTAMP, DATE, TIME) or numeric type.

A timestamp column can grow monotonically or almost monotonically. Time series data often arrives ordered by timestamp, i.e., every event has the same or larger timestamp than the previous event. In some cases, events can get reordered and delayed, but this delay is bounded, e.g., it may not exceed 1 hour. We refer to this bound as lateness.

Lateness is a constant bound L associated with a timestamp column in a table or view, such that if the table contains a record with timestamp equal to TS, then any future records inserted to or removed from the table will have timestamps greater than or equal to TS - L. In other words, updates to the table cannot arrive more than L time units out of order. A lateness value of zero indicates that updates to the table arrive strictly in order, with each new update having a timestamp equal to or later than the previous one.

The Feldera query engine uses lateness information to optimize the execution of queries.

Specifying lateness for tables and views

To specify lateness for a table column, the column declaration is annotated with the LATENESS attribute:

CREATE TABLE purchase (
customer_id INT,
amount BIGINT

The value of the LATENESS attribute is a constant expression that must have a type that can be subtracted from the column type. In the above example, lateness for a column of type TIMESTAMP is specified as an INTERVAL type. LATENESS for an integer column is specified as an integer constant.

Views can have lateness too. Lateness is a property of input data; however it is not always possible to associate a lateness annotation with an input table column. For instance, input data can arrive as JSON strings, which must be parsed to extract the actual payload fields, including timestamps. In such situations, columns with lateness appear in intermediate views. To specify lateness for a view, the LATENESS statement must be used. The statement specifies a view, a column of the view, and an expression for the lateness value. The statement may appear before or after the view declaration:

CREATE VIEW v AS SELECT t.col1, t.col2 FROM t;

Guidelines for writing lateness annotations

Keep in mind the following guidelines when choosing lateness annotations for tables and views:

  • Lateness is NOT time-to-live. Lateness should not be confused with time-to-live annotations used by some stream processing systems. Declaring a column with LATENESS 1 hour does not mean that the data will be discarded after an hour. The compiler decides what data to store and for how long by analyzing the entire SQL program. LATENESS annotations simply inform this analysis.

  • LATENESS does not affect the output of the program. Assuming lateness annotations are accurate, i.e., input records do not arrive more than lateness time units out of order, the output of the program with lateness annotations is guaranteed to be identical to outputs of the same program without annotations.

  • LATENESS does NOT delay computation. Feldera does not delay computation until all out-of-order records have been received. It always computes the output of the queries given all inputs received so far and incrementally updates these outputs as new out-of-order inputs arrive. (See below for an experimental feture that allows delaying inputs on demand).

  • Inputs that violate lateness are discarded. When a program receives a record that is more than lateness time units behind the most recent timestamp value previously observed in the same column, the pipeline will drop such a record.

We recommend choosing conservative LATENESS values, leaving sufficient time for any delayed inputs to arrive. In practice, this may require accounting for potential upstream failures, such as an IoT device losing cloud connectivity.

Lateness example

Consider the purchase table declared above with 1-hour lateness on the ts column and the following sequence of inserts into this table:

INSERT INTO purchase VALUES(1, '2020-01-01 00:00:00', 10);

INSERT INTO purchase VALUES(1, '2020-01-01 01:00:00', 20);

-- Late row, but within the lateness bound.
INSERT INTO purchase VALUES(1,'2020-01-01 00:10:00', 15);

INSERT INTO purchase VALUES(1, '2020-01-01 02:00:00', 12);

-- Late row that violates lateness.
INSERT INTO purchase VALUES(1, '2020-01-01 00:20:00', 65);

The second insertion arrives in order, since its timestamp is larger than the timestamp of the first insertion. The third insertion is out of order, since its timestamp is smaller than the second insertion. But it does not violate lateness, since it is only 50 minutes late, whereas the specified lateness is 1 hour. The fifth row violates lateness, since it is 100 minutes late with respect to the fourth row, and will be discarded.

Note that lateness is a soft bound. A pipeline is guaranteed to accept any records that arrive within the bound; but can also accept late records for a short period of time. The reason for this is that Feldera ingests input records in chunks and advances the cutoff timestamp, below which inputs are discarded, after processing the whole chunk.

How Feldera garbage collects old state

Consider the purchase table from before. As new purchase records are added over time, the table will keep growing. How much of its history do we need to store? A conventional database, serving as a system of record, must store every record added to it, until it is deleted by the user, so that it can answer queries over this data on-demand. In contrast, the Feldera query engine incrementally maintains a set of views defined ahead of time and only keeps state needed by those views.


Feldera also supports on-demand queries (also known as ad hoc queries) for materialized tables and views. See documentation for details.

Let’s assume the purchase table is used to compute a single view that tracks the daily maximum purchase amount:

CREATE VIEW daily_max AS
MAX(amount) AS max_amount

If the purchase table did not have the LATENESS annotation, the query engine would assume that records can be inserted and deleted with arbitrary timestamps, e.g., it would be possible to delete a year-old record. Deleting an old record requires re-computing the daily maximum for the corresponding date. This in turn requires storing the entire purchase history permanently.

We can do better with LATENESS. The LATENESS annotation guarantees that changes to the table cannot get delayed by more than one hour relative to each other. Hence, daily maxima can only change for the current and, possibly, previous day. Since we will never need to reevaluate the query for earlier dates, we do not need to store older data.

The data retention algorithm

To explain how Feldera discards unused state, we need to introduce a new concept:

Waterline of a relation with respect to a timestamp column is a timestamp value W, such that all future additions or deletions in the relation will have timestamps greater than or equal to W.

Feldera uses the following procedure to identify and discard unused data:

  1. Compute waterlines of all program relations. Starting from user-supplied LATENESS annotations, Feldera identifies all tables and views in the program that produce outputs monotonic in the input timestamp and computes waterlines for them.

  2. Compute state retention bounds. For each view in the program, the query engine determines how much state it needs to maintain in order to evaluate the view incrementally. Some queries, such as simple projections and filters, do not require keeping any state. Others, such as joins and aggregates, may require storing the state of their input relations. In this case, the query engine determines how long the state should be retained based on the semantics of the query and the waterlines computed at the previous step.

  3. Discard old records. Feldera continuously runs background jobs that garbage collect old records that fall below retention bounds.

Not all queries support discarding old inputs. We list the operators for which Feldera implements garbage collection below.

Relations can have multiple waterlines. The query engine can derive waterlines for multiple columns in a table or view. All these waterlines can be utilized for garbage collection. For example, if the purchase table included an additional timestamp column that recorded the time when payment was received, and this column had its own LATENESS attribute, we could create a view computing daily totals based on this column, and garbage collection would work for this view as well.

Discarding old records is not equivalent to deleting them. These are fundamentally different operations. Deleting a record means that any outputs derived from it should be updated. For example, deleting a year-old purchase requires recomputing the daily_max query for the corresponding date. In contrast, a discarded record is conceptually still part of the relation; however it will not participate in computing any future incremental updates and therefore does not need to be stored.

Emitting final values of a view with emit_final


The emit_final feature is still experimental, and it may be removed or substantially modified in the future.

By default, Feldera updates SQL views incrementally whenever new inputs arrive. Such incremental updates include deleting existing rows and inserting new rows into the view. By monitoring these updates, the user can observe the most up-to-date results of the computation. However, some applications only need to observe its final outputs, i.e., rows that are guaranteed to never get deleted or updated.

Consider the following query that computes the sum of all purchases for each day.

CREATE VIEW daily_total AS
SUM(amount) AS total

Suppose that a new purchase record arrives every second. In response, Feldera updates the daily_total value for the current date, deleting the old value and inserting a new one. The user may observe 86400 such updates per day. In some cases this is precisely what the user wants--to keep track of the latest value of the aggregate with low latency. But if the application only requires the final value of the aggregate at the end of the day, handling all the intermediate updates may introduce unnecessary overheads. Some applications may not be able to handle intermediate updates at all. Typical reasons for this are:

  • The application is unable to process row deletions. Some databases and database connectors cannot ingest deletions efficiently or at all.

  • The application cannot handle a large volume of incremental updates. As we see in this example, the volume of intermediate updates can be much larger than the final output, potentially overwhelming the application.

  • The application is only allowed to act on the final output. Consider an application that sends an email, approves a stock trade or performs some other irreversible action based on the output or the view. Such actions should only be taken when the output is final. Handling intermediate outputs can complicate the logic of the application, as the application may not be able to reliably identify and discard intermediate values.

The emit_final attribute instructs Feldera to only output final rows of a view, as in the following example:

CREATE VIEW daily_total_final
WITH ('emit_final' = 'd')
SUM(amount) AS total

The emit_final annotation causes the view to emit only the rows that have a value in the specified column that is before the view's current waterline. Let us insert some records in the purchase table and observe how this affects the waterlines and the output of the view with and without emit_final annotations.

INSERT INTO purchaseOutput without emit_finalOutput with emit_final
VALUES(1, '2020-01-01 01:00:00', 10)insert: {"d":"2020-01-01 00:00:00","total":10}
VALUES(1, '2020-01-01 02:00:00', 10)delete: {"d":"2020-01-01 00:00:00","total":10}
insert: {"d":"2020-01-01 00:00:00","total":20}
VALUES(1, '2020-01-02 00:00:00', 10)insert: {"d":"2020-01-02 00:00:00","total":10}
VALUES(1, '2020-01-02 01:00:00', 10)delete: {"d":"2020-01-02 00:00:00","total":10}insert: {"d":"2020-01-01 00:00:00","total":20}
insert: {"d":"2020-01-02 00:00:00","total":20}
  • Without emit_final, every input update produces an output update, deleting any outdated records and inserting new records instead.

  • With emit_final only outputs below the current waterline are produced. In this example, the waterline of the daily_total.d timestamp column remains at 2020-01-01 00:00:00 until the last input, which adds a record with timestamp 2020-01-02 01:00:00. Since purchase.ts has LATENESS of 1 hour, no new updates for the previous date can be received after this. The waterline moves forward by one day and the final value for 2020-01-01 is output.

The emit_final property must specify either a column name that exists in the view, or a column number, where 0 is the leftmost view column.

Note that using emit_final can significantly delay the output of a view. In the example above, the aggregation is performed over a 1-day window, resulting in a 1-day delay before the output is produced. If the aggregation window were extended to 1 year, the view would not produce any outputs for an entire year.

The use of emit_final is subject to the following restrictions:

  • If the query engine cannot infer a waterline for the specified column of the view, it will emit an error at compilation time.

  • Currently this annotation is only allowed on views that are not LOCAL. It takes effect only for the view used as output. If the view is used in defining other views, these derived views will receive the non-delayed data.

Delaying inputs with WATERMARK


The WATERMARK feature is still experimental, and it may be removed or substantially modified in the future.

Feldera can process data received either in-order or out-of-order. In both scenarios, it continuously maintains query results computed based on the inputs received so far, updating these results as new data arrives. However, some applications may not be able to handle results derived from out-of-order data correctly and prefer to wait until all out-of-order events have been delivered.

WATERMARK is an annotation on a column of a table that delays the processing of the input rows by a specified amount of time. More precisely, given a WATERMARK annotation with value WM, an input row with a value X for the watermarked column will be "held up" until another row with a timestamp >=X + WM is received, at which point the program will behave as if the row with value X has only just been received.

This delay allows WM time units for out-of-order data to arrive. For a column with a LATENESS annotation, setting WATERMARK to be equal to LATENESS ensures that all received data is processed in-order.

WATERMARK is specified as an expression that evaluates to a constant value. The expression must have a type that can be subtracted from the column type. For example, a column of type TIMESTAMP may have a watermark specified as an INTERVAL type:

CREATE TABLE purchase_watermark (
customer_id INT,
amount BIGINT

The current version of the SQL compiler does not support multiple WATERMARK columns in a single table.

Append-only tables

Time series tables are often append-only: once an event has been received, it cannot be modified or deleted. Feldera is able to leverage this property to optimize certain types of queries. Consider the daily_max view from above:

CREATE VIEW daily_max AS
MAX(amount) AS max_amount

Maintaining the MAX aggregate incrementally requires permanently storing the entire contents of the purchase table (ignoring the LATENESS annotation on purchase.ts). However, if the table is append-only, then the MAX aggregate can only increase monotonically as new records are added to the table, and we only need to store the current largest value for each 1-day window.

The append_only annotation on a table instructs Feldera that the table will only receive INSERT updates, enabling this and other optimizations:

CREATE TABLE purchase (
customer_id INT,
amount BIGINT
) WITH (
'append_only' = 'true'

Note that append_only annotations are only supported for tables; however the Feldera query engine automatically derives it for views that depend on append-only tables.

SQL for time series analytics

In this section, we present a catalog of SQL operators and patterns frequently used in time series analysis. Although these operators are applicable to both time-series and non-time-series data, they are particularly beneficial when working with time series.

Feldera offers efficient incremental implementations of these constructs and supports garbage collection for most of them, meaning that they can be evaluated efficiently in both time and space.

Aggregating Time Series Data Over Fixed-Size Time Intervals

A common practice in time series analysis is to segment the timeline into fixed-size intervals—such as minutes, hours, days, or years—and aggregate the data within each segment. Earlier, we encountered two examples of such queries: daily_max and daily_sum, which apply the MAX and SUM aggregation functions over 1-day intervals.

Garbage collection

The incremental implementation of aggregation operators stores both the input and output of the operator. Feldera applies various optimizations to optimize storage, for example linear aggregation functions, such as SUM, COUNT, AVG, STDDEV, do not require storing the input relation; MIN and MAX aggregates over append-only collections only store one value per group, etc. On top of these optimizations, the GC mechanism can discard old records under the following conditions:

  • Old input records get discarded if at least one of the expressions in the GROUP BY clause is a monotonic function of a timestamp column, for which the query engine can establish a waterline. For instance, in the daily_max view, TIMESTAMP_TRUNC is a monotonic function over the purchase.ts column.

  • Old output records get discarded if at least one of the output columns has a waterline. In the daily_max view, the TIMESTAMP_TRUNC(ts, DAY) as d column has a waterline.

Tumbling and hopping windows

Tumbling and hopping window operators provide a more idiomatic way to slice the timeline into non-overlapping or overlapping windows. These operators do not maintain any state and therefore do not require GC. The daily_max view can be expressed using the TUMBLE operator as follows:

CREATE VIEW daily_max_tumbling AS
DATA => TABLE purchase,

Rolling aggregates

Rolling aggregates offer a different way to define time windows. For each data point in a time series, they compute an aggregate over a fixed time frame (such as a day, an hour, or a month) preceding this data point. Rolling aggregates can be expressed in SQL using window aggregate functions. Here is a version of daily_max that computes MAX over the 1-day window preceding each event:

CREATE VIEW daily_max_rolling AS
MAX(amount) OVER window_1_day
FROM purchase

Rolling aggregates provide an accurate summary of recent event history for each data point in the dataset. They are more expensive than tumbling and hopping windows, since they instantiate as many individual windows as there are data points in the table. Feldera features an efficient incremental implementation of the rolling aggregate operator, that is capable of evaluating millions of individual windows per second on a laptop.

Garbage collection

GC for rolling aggregates works similar to regular aggregates (see above):

  • Old input records are discarded if the ORDER BY expression is a monotonic function of a timestamp column, for which the query engine can establish a waterline. For instance, in the rolling_daily_max view above, the purchase.ts column, used in the ORDER BY clause, has a waterline.

  • Old output records get discarded if at least one of the output columns has a waterline. In the rolling_daily_max view, the ts column copied from the input table has a waterline.

Join over timestamp columns

The following query computes daily totals over the purchase and returns tables and joins the results by date in order to construct a daily summary combining both totals for each given day in a single view:

CREATE VIEW daily_totals AS
purchase_totals AS (
TIMESTAMP_TRUNC(purchase.ts, DAY) as purchase_date,
SUM(purchase.amount) as total_purchase_amount
FROM purchase
return_totals AS (
TIMESTAMP_TRUNC(returns.ts, DAY) as return_date,
SUM(returns.amount) as total_return_amount
FROM returns
purchase_totals.purchase_date as d,
purchase_totals.purchase_date = return_totals.return_date;

Garbage collection

The join operator stores both of its input relations. If at least one pair of columns being joined on has waterlines (in this case, both purchase_totals.purchase_date and return_totals.return_date have waterlines), the operator discards old records below the smaller of the two waterlines.

As-of joins

The ASOF JOIN operator is a specialized type of JOIN used between two relations with comparable timestamp columns. It is used to answer questions such as "What was the stock price at the exact moment of the transaction?" or "What was the account balance just before the money transfer?"

For each row in the left input relation, the as-of join operator identifies at most one row in the right input with the closest timestamp that is no greater than the timestamp in the left row. The example below demonstrates how an as-of join can be used to extract the customer’s address at the time of purchase from the customer table.

CREATE VIEW purchase_with_address AS
FROM purchase
LEFT ASOF JOIN customer MATCH_CONDITION(purchase.ts >= customer.ts)
ON purchase.customer_id = customer.customer_id;

Garbage collection

The incremental as-of join operator stores both of its input relations. Feldera currently implements GC for the left input only: if both timestamp columns in the MATCH_CONDITION have waterlines, the operator will discard old records below the smaller of the two waterlines.

GC for the right input is on our roadmap. Let us know if you are interested in this feature.


LAG and LEAD SQL window functions allow access to a previous or following row in a relation. When used with a window ordered by a timestamp column, they refer to earlier or later data points in a time series. The following view computes previous and next purchase amounts for each record in the purchase table:

CREATE VIEW purchase_with_prev_next AS
LAG(amount) OVER(PARTITION BY customer_id ORDER BY ts) as previous_amount,
LEAD(amount) OVER(PARTITION BY customer_id ORDER BY ts) as next_amount

Garbage collection

GC for LAG and LEAD functions has not been implemented yet (see our GC feature roadmap). Let us know if you are interested in this feature.

NOW() and temporal filters

All features discussed so far evaluate SQL queries over time series data without referring to the current physical time. Feldera allows using the current physical time in queries via the NOW() function. The primary use of this function is in implementing temporal filters, i.e., queries that filter records based on the current time values, e.g.:

CREATE VIEW recent_purchases AS
SELECT * FROM purchase
ts >= NOW() - INTERVAL 7 DAYS;

NOW() is the only construct in Feldera that can cause the pipeline to produce outputs without receiving any new input. In the above example, the pipeline will output deletions for records that fall outside the 7-day window as the physical clock ticks forward.

See NOW() documentation for more details.

Garbage collection

Feldera implements garbage collection for temporal filters by discarding records older than the left window bound (e.g., records more than 7 days old in the above example). This optimization is sound because NOW() grows monotonically, and not not require the timestamp column to have a waterline.

Further reading