K3D cluster
Feldera Enterprise can also be installed on a local k3d cluster for testing and development purposes. A k3d cluster is a lightweight minimal Kubernetes cluster which makes use of Docker.
k3d version
To set up a local Kubernetes cluster for testing.
kubectl version
Used to interact with the deployed EKS cluster.
K3D cluster creation
k3d cluster create local-test1 \
--k3s-arg "--disable=traefik@server:*"
Note: it disables the traefik ingress controller such that you can install your own.
If you wish to expose a specific port of the load balancer (e.g., for your own ingress controller), you can use the following:
k3d cluster create local-test1 \
--k3s-arg "--disable=traefik@server:*" \
--port "80:80@loadbalancer" \
--port "443:443@loadbalancer"
Note: this will locally bind port 80 and 443.
The cluster creation will automatically configure kubectl
Check the cluster status:
kubectl cluster-info
kubectl config current-context
kubectl get nodes
kubectl get namespace
k3d cluster delete local-test1
kubectl config unset current-context # Optional
Note: the kubectl current-context is unset because after the k3d-local-test context is no longer available, it automatically switches to one of the others available, which is likely undesirable during testing.