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Secret management

Under Construction

This draft is for demo purposes with test setups. Secret management is under ongoing development. Be sure to take the important configuration steps and follow the good practices defined in the Kubernetes documentation to safely use secrets.

Experimental feature

Secret management is an experimental feature of Feldera. Setting up secrets currently involves a number of manual steps, which will be integrated into an automated/improved workflow in the production release.

Within certain connector configurations, it is possible to refer to secrets rather than inputting them as plain text. This prevents them from being visible in the connector configurations. We currently make use of Kubernetes secrets for management.

Feldera connector secrets

Referring to secrets is currently enabled only for the Feldera Kafka input and output connector configuration.

  1. Create kubernetes secret: create a secret named example within the feldera namespace, which has a single key example with as value something (base64 encoded: c29tZXRoaW5n). We can do this by creating a file example-secret.yaml:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
    name: example
    namespace: feldera
    type: Opaque
    example: c29tZXRoaW5n

    ... and subsequently apply it using: kubectl apply -n feldera -f example-secret.yaml

  2. Use the secret: now, when we start the pipeline with a connector configuration value of ${secret:example}, it will be resolved using a mounted secret volume containing the secret we just defined.

Kafka Connect (Debezium) secrets

When creating a Kafka Connect Debezium connector to for example MySQL, it is required to provide database credentials. We make use of the Kafka Connect FileConfigProvider, which allows us to refer to secrets in a similar way as Feldera connector secrets (with a slightly different pattern).

Because Kafka Connect is already running, it is not possible to mount new secrets without restarting. Instead, we patch an already existing mounted secret and await for it to be synchronized with the running instance.

The steps are as follows:

  1. The secret used is kafka-connect-databases-secret in the kafka-connect namespace. It is mounted at /etc/secret-volume-kafka-connect-databases on the Kafka Connect instance. Check its presence by running:

    kubectl get secret -n kafka-connect kafka-connect-databases-secret
  2. Suppose we want to store the MySQL database credentials. We need to get these credentials in a base64-encoded string. To do so, create a file with the following content:

    ... and then we can base64 encode its content using:

    cat | base64

    ... which will yield the following output:

  3. Patch it into the secret:

    kubectl patch secret kafka-connect-databases-secret \
    -n kafka-connect \
    -p '{"data": { "": "aG9zdG5hbWU9bXlzcWwuc29tZS5kb21haW4uZXhhbXBsZS5jb20KcG9ydD0zMzA2CnVzZXI9Y2hvc2VuX2RlYmV6aXVtX3VzZXJfMTIzNDU2CnBhc3N3b3JkPWNob3Nlbl9kZWJleml1bV9wYXNzd29yZF8xMjM0NTYK"}}'
  4. Check it is added by running:

    kubectl get secret -n kafka-connect kafka-connect-databases-secret -o yaml
  5. It will take some time before the patch is propagated to the mounted secret volume.

  6. Within the connector curl call, define the following to refer to the secret:

    "database.hostname": "${file:/etc/secret-volume-kafka-connect-databases/}",
    "database.port": "${file:/etc/secret-volume-kafka-connect-databases/}",
    "database.user": "${file:/etc/secret-volume-kafka-connect-databases/}",
    "database.password": "${file:/etc/secret-volume-kafka-connect-databases/}",