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Use Case: Real-time Feature Engineering for Credit Card Fraud Detection

In this article, we use Feldera to build a real-time credit card fraud detection system. This falls under the umbrella of real-time feature engineering, where we transform raw data (credit card and user activity) into features that better represent the underlying problem to an ML model. We will go through the following steps of building the application:

  • Writing SQL queries that define several interesting features, based on data enrichment and rolling aggregates.

  • Using these queries to compute feature vectors with Feldera and train an ML model on a historical data set stored in a Delta Lake.

  • Using the same queries to compute feature vectors over a real-time stream of credit card transaction data. By simply connecting new data sources and sinks, the SQL queries used for training the model on batch inputs work seamlessly on streaming data for real-time inference.

The entire use case is implemented as a Python script written using the Feldera Python SDK. It is available from our github repository and can be run from the command line or from your favorite Python notebook environment.

Credit card fraud detection

Credit card fraud detection is a classic application of real-time feature engineering. Here, data comes in a stream of transactions, each with attributes like card number, purchase time, vendor, and amount. Additionally, the fraud detector has access to a slowly changing table with demographics information about cardholders, such as age and address.

Input tables and the output view

Input data

We used a publicly available Synthetic Credit Card Transaction Generator to generate two labeled datasets, both with 1000 user profiles. We will use the first dataset for model training and testing, and the second dataset -- for real-time inference. We stored the datasets in the Delta Lake format in two public S3 buckets:

  • Training dataset:

    • Demographics table: s3://feldera-fraud-detection-data/demographics_train/
    • Transaction table: s3://feldera-fraud-detection-data/transaction_train/
  • Inference dataset:

    • Demographics table: s3://feldera-fraud-detection-data/demographics_train/
    • Transaction table: s3://feldera-fraud-detection-data/transaction_train/

Model training and testing

Finding an optimal set of features to train a good ML model is an iterative process. At every step, the data scientist trains and tests a model using currently selected feature queries on an array of labeled historical data. The results of each experiment drive the next refinement of feature queries. In this scenario, feature vectors are computed in batch mode over a slice of historical data, e.g., data collected over a two-week timeframe.

Feature engineering as an iterative process

Below we walk the reader through one iteration of this process: we define a set of features, train a model using these features, and test its accuracy.

Writing feature queries

We define several features over our input tables:

  • Data enrichment:
    • We add demographic attributes, such as zip code, to each transaction
  • Rolling aggregates:
    • average spending per transaction in the past day, week, and month
    • average spending per transaction over a 3-month timeframe on the same day of the week
    • number of transactions made with this credit card in the last 24 hours
  • Other:
    • is_weekend - transaction took place on a weekend
    • is_night - transaction took place before 6am
    • d - day of week

The following Python function creates a SQL program, consisting of two tables with raw input data (TRANSACTION and DEMOGRAPHICS) and the FEATURE view, which computes the above features over these tables.

def build_program(transactions_connectors: str, demographics_connectors: str, features_connectors: str) -> str:
return f"""-- Credit card transactions
trans_date_trans_time TIMESTAMP,
cc_num BIGINT,
merchant STRING,
category STRING,
trans_num STRING,
unix_time BIGINT,
merch_lat DOUBLE,
merch_long DOUBLE,
is_fraud BIGINT
) WITH ('connectors' = '{transactions_connectors}');

-- Demographics data.
cc_num BIGINT,
first STRING,
last STRING,
gender STRING,
street STRING,
city STRING,
state STRING,
long DOUBLE,
city_pop BIGINT,
dob DATE
) WITH ('connectors' = '{demographics_connectors}');

-- Feature query written in the Feldera SQL dialect.
WITH ('connectors' = '{features_connectors}')
dayofweek(trans_date_trans_time) as d,
WHEN dayofweek(trans_date_trans_time) IN(6, 7) THEN true
ELSE false
END AS is_weekend,
hour(trans_date_trans_time) as hour_of_day,
WHEN hour(trans_date_trans_time) <= 6 THEN true
ELSE false
END AS is_night,
-- Average spending per day, per week, and per month.
AVG(amt) OVER window_1_day AS avg_spend_pd,
AVG(amt) OVER window_7_day AS avg_spend_pw,
AVG(amt) OVER window_30_day AS avg_spend_pm,
-- Average spending over the last three months for the same day of the week.
AVG(amt) OVER (
PARTITION BY t.cc_num, EXTRACT(DAY FROM trans_date_trans_time)
ORDER BY unix_time
), 0) AS avg_spend_p3m_over_d,
-- Number of transactions in the last 24 hours.
COUNT(*) OVER window_1_day AS trans_freq_24,
amt, unix_time, zip, city_pop, is_fraud
FROM transaction as t
JOIN demographics as d
ON t.cc_num = d.cc_num
window_30_day AS (PARTITION BY t.cc_num ORDER BY unix_time RANGE BETWEEN 2592000 PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW);

Training and testing

We define helper functions for model training and evaluation using the XGBoost framework.

Click to see full Python code
from xgboost import XGBClassifier
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix

# Split input dataframe into train and test sets
def get_train_test_data(dataframe, feature_cols, target_col, train_test_split_ratio, random_seed):
X = dataframe[feature_cols]
y = dataframe[target_col]
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, train_size=train_test_split_ratio,

return X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test

# Train a decision tree classifier using xgboost.
# Other ML frameworks and types of ML models can be readily used with Feldera.
def train_model(dataframe, config):
max_depth = 12
n_estimators = 100

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = get_train_test_data(

model = XGBClassifier(
objective="binary:logistic"), y_train.values.ravel())
return model, X_test, y_test

# Evaluate prediction accuracy against ground truth.
def eval_metrics(y, predictions):
cm = confusion_matrix(y, predictions)
print("Confusion matrix:")

if len(cm) < 2 or cm[1][1] == 0: # checking if there are no true positives
print('No fraudulent transaction to evaluate')
precision = cm[1][1] / (cm[1][1] + cm[0][1])
recall = cm[1][1] / (cm[1][1] + cm[1][0])
f1 = (2 * (precision * recall) / (precision + recall))

print(f"Precision: {precision * 100:.2f}%")
print(f"Recall: {recall * 100:.2f}%")
print(f"F1 Score: {f1 * 100:.2f}%")

The following Python snippet connects to a Feldera service and creates a Feldera pipeline to read transaction and demographics data from Delta tables stored in S3 and evaluate the feature query defined above on this data. We use the listen API to read the computed features into a Pandas dataframe. We split this dataframe into train and test sets. We use the former to train an XGBoost model and the latter to measure model accuracy.

import pandas as pd

# Connect to the Feldera sandbox.
# Use the 'Settings' menu at to generate an API key
client = FelderaClient("", api_key= < FELDERA_API_KEY >)

# Load DEMOGRAPHICS data from a Delta table stored in an S3 bucket.
demographics_connectors = [{
"transport": {
"name": "delta_table_input",
"config": {
"uri": "s3://feldera-fraud-detection-data/demographics_train",
"mode": "snapshot",
"aws_skip_signature": "true"

# Load credit card TRANSACTION data.
transactions_connectors = [{
"transport": {
"name": "delta_table_input",
"config": {
"uri": "s3://feldera-fraud-detection-data/transaction_train",
"mode": "snapshot",
"aws_skip_signature": "true",
"timestamp_column": "unix_time"

sql = build_program(json.dumps(transactions_connectors), json.dumps(demographics_connectors), '[]')

pipeline = PipelineBuilder(client, name="fraud_detection_training", sql=sql).create_or_replace()

hfeature = pipeline.listen("feature")

# Process full snapshot of the input tables and compute a dataset
# with feature vectors for use in model training and testing.

features_pd = hfeature.to_pandas()
print(f"Computed {len(features_pd)} feature vectors")

print("Training the model")

feature_cols = list(features_pd.columns.drop('is_fraud'))

config = {
'feature_cols': feature_cols,
'target_col': ['is_fraud'],
'random_seed': 45,
'train_test_split_ratio': 0.8

trained_model, X_test, y_test = train_model(features_pd, config)

print("Testing the trained model")

y_pred = trained_model.predict(X_test)
eval_metrics(y_test, y_pred)

Here we use the Feldera online sandbox. You can also use a local instance of Feldera running in a Docker container on http://localhost:8080. See instructions for running Feldera in Docker.


The full Python script for this use case also contains the code to write computed features to a Delta Lake, which might be preferrable when working with larger datasets. This functionality requires write credentials to an S3 bucket or some other object store and is therefore disabled by default.

Real-time inference

During real-time feature computation, raw data arrives from a streaming source like Kafka. Feldera can ingest data directly from such sources, but in this case we will assume that Kafka is connected to a Delta table, and configure Feldera to ingest the data by following the transaction log of the table.

Real-time feature computation for model inference

There are several advantages to using this setup in production, but it is also great for demos, as it allows us to stream data from a pre-filled table without having to manage a Kafka queue.

We define a Python function to feed a Pandas dataframe to our trained ML model for inference.

Click to see full Python code
def inference(trained_model, df):
print(f"\nReceived {len(df)} feature vectors.")
if len(df) == 0:

feature_cols_inf = list(df.columns.drop('is_fraud'))
X_inf = df[feature_cols_inf].values # convert to numpy array
y_inf = df["is_fraud"].values
predictions_inf = trained_model.predict(X_inf)

eval_metrics(y_inf, predictions_inf)

The next Python snippet builds another Feldera pipeline to evaluate the feature query over streaming data and send computed feature vectors to the ML model for inference. It is almost identical to our training setup, except that this time we read data from the inference dataset. In addition, we configure the input connector for the TRANSACTION table to ingest transaction data in the snapshot-and-follow mode. In this mode, the connector reads the initial snapshot of the table before following the stream of changes in its transaction log. This backfill pattern is necessary to correctly evaluate features that depend on historical data such as rolling sums and averages.

# How long to run the inference pipeline for.

print(f"\nRunning the inference pipeline for {INFERENCE_TIME_SECONDS} seconds")

# Load DEMOGRAPHICS data from a Delta table.
demographics_connectors = [{
"transport": {
"name": "delta_table_input",
"config": {
"uri": "s3://feldera-fraud-detection-data/demographics_infer",
"mode": "snapshot",
"aws_skip_signature": "true"

# Read TRANSACTION data from a Delta table.
# Configure the Delta Lake connector to read the initial snapshot of
# the table before following the stream of changes in its transaction log.
transactions_connectors = [{
"transport": {
"name": "delta_table_input",
"config": {
"uri": "s3://feldera-fraud-detection-data/transaction_infer",
"mode": "snapshot_and_follow",
"version": 10,
"timestamp_column": "unix_time",
"aws_skip_signature": "true"

sql = build_program(json.dumps(transactions_connectors), json.dumps(demographics_connectors), '[]')
pipeline = PipelineBuilder(client, name="fraud_detection_inference", sql=sql).create_or_replace()

pipeline.foreach_chunk("feature", lambda df, chunk: inference(trained_model, df))

# Start the pipeline to continuously process the input stream of credit card
# transactions and output newly computed feature vectors to a Delta table.


print(f"Shutting down the inference pipeline after {INFERENCE_TIME_SECONDS} seconds")

Running this code produces output similar to the following:

Running the inference pipeline for 30 seconds

Received 8185 feature vectors.
Confusion matrix:
[[7965 98]
[ 26 96]]
Precision: 49.48%
Recall: 78.69%
F1 Score: 60.76%

Received 8183 feature vectors.
Confusion matrix:
[[7993 10]
[ 34 146]]
Precision: 93.59%
Recall: 81.11%
F1 Score: 86.90%

Received 10000 feature vectors.
Confusion matrix:
[[9823 7]
[ 53 117]]
Precision: 94.35%
Recall: 68.82%
F1 Score: 79.59%

Received 6373 feature vectors.
Confusion matrix:
[[6251 10]
[ 27 85]]
Precision: 89.47%
Recall: 75.89%
F1 Score: 82.13%


While the pipeline is running, we can monitor its progress in the Feldera Web Console. Open [] in your browser and select the fraud_detection_inference pipeline.


In this example we used Feldera to evaluate the same feature queries first over historical (batch) data and then over a combination of historical and streaming inputs. Feldera's ability to operate on any combination of batch and streaming sources is crucial for real-time feature engineering, as it eliminates the need to develop multiple implementations of the same queries for development and production environments. In fact, Feldera does not distinguish between the two. Internally, it represents all inputs as changes (inserts, deletes and updates) to input tables. It processes changes in the same way and produces the same outputs, whether they arrive frequently in small groups (aka streaming) or occasionally in bigger groups (aka batch).

Upon receiving a set of changes, Feldera updates its output views without full re-computation, by doing work proportional to the size of the change rather than the size of the entire database. This incremental evaluation makes Feldera efficient for both streaming and batch inputs.

Finally, we would like to emphaize that Feldera is strongly consistent. If we pause our inference pipeline and inspect the contents of the output view produced by Feldera so far, it will be precisely the same as if we ran the query on all the inputs received so far as one large batch. Unpause the pipeline and run it a little longer. The pipeline will receive some additional inputs and produce additional outputs, but it still preserves the same input/output guarantee. This property, known as strong consistency, ensures that the prediction accuracy of your ML model will not be affected by incorrect input.


A version of this use case focusing on integration with the Delta Lake and Spark ecosystem is published as a blog post.