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Aggregate operations

Standard aggregate operations

A SELECT expression in the SQL grammar can contain one or more aggregation functions. Aggregate functions are specified using the following grammar:

agg '(' [ ALL | DISTINCT ] value [, value ]* ')'
[ WITHIN DISTINCT '(' expression [, expression ]* ')' ]
[ FILTER '(' WHERE condition ')' ]
| agg '(' '*' ')' [ FILTER (WHERE condition) ]

where agg is one of the operators in the following table.

If FILTER is present, the aggregate function only considers rows for which condition evaluates to TRUE.

If DISTINCT is present, duplicate argument values are eliminated before being passed to the aggregate function.

If WITHIN DISTINCT is present, argument values are made distinct within each value of specified keys before being passed to the aggregate function.

Important: the aggregate result type is the same as the type of the value aggregated. Since an aggregate combines multiple values, this can cause overflows in the computation, which can cause runtime exceptions. We recommend to use explicit casts in SQL programs converting the aggregated values to a data type wide enough to store all intermediate aggregation results. Example:

Instead of SELECT SUM(col), you should write SELECT SUM(CAST col AS DECIMAL(10, 4)) if you expect 10-digit results to be possible.

ARRAY_AGG([ ALL | DISTINCT ] value [ RESPECT NULLS | IGNORE NULLS ] )Gathers all values in an array. The order of the values in the array is unspecified (but it is deterministic).
AVG( [ ALL | DISTINCT ] numeric)Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of numeric across all input values
ARG_MAX(value, compared)Returns a value for one of the rows containing the maximum value of compared in the group. The rule for selecting the value is not specified if there are multiple rows with the same maximum value.
ARG_MIN(value, compared)Returns a value for one of the rows containing the minimum value of compared in the group. This rule for selecting the value is not specified if there are multiple rows with the same minimum value.
BIT_AND( [ ALL | DISTINCT ] value)Returns the bitwise AND of all non-null input values, or null if none; integer and binary types are supported
BIT_OR( [ ALL | DISTINCT ] value)Returns the bitwise OR of all non-null input values, or null if none; integer and binary types are supported
BIT_XOR( [ ALL | DISTINCT ] value)Returns the bitwise XOR of all non-null input values, or null if none; integer and binary types are supported
COUNT(*)Returns the number of input rows
COUNT( [ ALL | DISTINCT ] value [, value ]*)Returns the number of input rows for which value is not null. If the argument contains multiple expressions, it counts only expressions where all fields are non-null.
EVERY(condition)Returns TRUE if all of the values of condition are TRUE
MAX( [ ALL | DISTINCT ] value)Returns the maximum value of value across all input values
MIN( [ ALL | DISTINCT ] value)Returns the minimum value of value across all input values
SOME(condition)Returns TRUE if one or more of the values of condition is TRUE
SUM( [ ALL | DISTINCT ] numeric)Returns the sum of numeric across all input values
STDDEV( [ ALL | DISTINCT ] value)Synonym for STDDEV_SAMP
STDDEV_POP( [ ALL | DISTINCT ] value)Returns the population standard deviation of numeric across all input values
STDDEV_SAMP( [ ALL | DISTINCT ] value)Returns the sample standard deviation of numeric across all input values

If FILTER is specified, then only the input rows for which the filter_clause evaluates to true are fed to the aggregate function; other rows are discarded. For example:

count(*) AS unfiltered,
count(*) FILTER (WHERE i < 5) AS filtered

Window aggregate functions

A SELECT expression in the SQL grammar can also contain a window aggregate function. The following window aggregate functions are supported:

AVG(numeric)Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of numeric across all values in window
COUNT(value [, value ]*)Returns the number of rows in window for which value is not null
COUNT(*)Returns the number of rows in window
DENSE_RANK()Returns the rank of the current row without gaps
LAG(expression, [offset, [ default ] ])Returns expression evaluated at the row that is offset rows before the current row within the partition; if there is no such row, instead returns default. Both offset and default are evaluated with respect to the current row. If omitted, offset defaults to 1 and default to NULL.
LEAD(expression, [offset, [ default ] ])Returns expression evaluated at the row that is offset rows after the current row within the partition; if there is no such row, instead returns default. Both offset and default are evaluated with respect to the current row. If omitted, offset defaults to 1 and default to NULL.
MAX(expression)Returns the maximum value of expression across all values in window
MIN(expression)Returns the minimum value of expression across all values in window
RANK()Returns the rank of the current row with gaps
ROW_NUMBER()Returns the number of the current row within its partition, counting from 1
SUM(numeric)Returns the sum of numeric across all values in window


The SQL PIVOT operation can be used to turn rows into columns. It usually replaces a GROUP-BY operation when the group keys are known in advance. Instead of producing one row for each group, PIVOT can produce one column for each group.


PIVOT ( { aggregate_expression [ AS aggregate_expression_alias ] } [ , ... ]
FOR column_with_data IN ( column_list ) )


  • aggregate_expression Specifies an aggregate expression (SUM, COUNT(DISTINCT ), etc.).

  • aggregate_expression_alias Specifies a column name for the aggregate expression.

  • column_with_data A column that produces all the values that will become new column names.

  • column_list Columns that show the pivoted data.


('chair', 2020, 4),
('table', 2021, 3),
('chair', 2021, 4),
('desk', 2023, 1),
('table', 2023, 2);

SELECT year, type, SUM(count) FROM FURNITURE GROUP BY year,type;
year | type | sum
2020 | chair | 4
2021 | table | 3
2021 | chair | 4
2023 | desk | 1
2023 | table | 2
(5 rows)

SUM(count) AS ct
FOR type IN ('desk' AS desks, 'table' AS tables, 'chair' as chairs)

year | desks | tables | chairs
2020 | | | 4
2021 | | 3 | 4
2023 | 1 | 2 |
(3 rows)

Notice how the same information is presented in a tabular form where we have a column for each type of object. PIVOTs require all the possible "type"s to be specified when the query is written. Notice that if we add an additional type, the GROUP BY query will produce a correct result, while the PIVOT query will produce the same result.

SELECT year, type, SUM(count) FROM FURNITURE GROUP BY year,type;
year | type | sum
2020 | chair | 4
2020 | bed | 5
2021 | table | 3
2021 | chair | 4
2023 | desk | 1
2023 | table | 2
(6 rows)

SUM(count) AS ct
FOR type IN ('desk' AS desks, 'table' AS tables, 'chair' as chairs)

year | desks | tables | chairs
2020 | | | 4
2021 | | 3 | 4
2023 | 1 | 2 |
(3 rows)

Grouped auxiliary functions

Grouped auxiliary functions allow you to access properties of a window defined by a grouped window function.

Operator syntaxDescription
TUMBLE_END(expression, interval [, time ])Returns the value of expression at the end of the window defined by a TUMBLE function call
TUMBLE_START(expression, interval [, time ])Returns the value of expression at the beginning of the window defined by a TUMBLE function call